Mute (OT8)

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Lee Felix is a 23-year-old man who has been homeless for the past two years, ever since witnessing his brother kill their parents. This tragic incident was a matter of self-defense, as Felix's brother reacted violently to their father's brutal beatings of Felix, while their mother stood by and did nothing. That fateful night, Felix's brother found him unconscious and covered in blood. The father had claimed that Felix had refused to hand over his paycheck, so he "had to show him who was boss." Enraged, Felix's brother stabbed their father ten times and strangled their mother to death. Afterward, he called the police. Felix was taken to the hospital, where he nearly died, and his brother was sentenced to five years in prison.

Since that traumatic day, Felix has been living on the streets and chose not to speak. On this cold day, he sat as close to the restaurant door as possible, trying to catch some warmth each time someone entered or left. Unbeknownst to him, the popular K-pop group Stray Kids had decided to dine there that evening. As they walked past, Jisung noticed the sadness in Felix's eyes. Though the group went inside, Jisung couldn't stop thinking about the boy.

Jisung finally got up and went outside to speak to Felix. "Hi, honey, my name is Jisung. What's your name?" he asked.

Felix wrote on his pad, "I'm Felix."

Minho, who had followed Jisung, asked, "Can't you talk, Felix? My name is Minho."

Felix shook his head.

"Would you like to come in and join us?" Minho offered.

Felix wrote, "They won't let me in. I'm homeless and mute."

"They'll let you, honey. Come with us," Jisung insisted, picking Felix up. Jisung marveled at how light the boy was.

Jisung and Minho returned to the table, with Jisung holding Felix in his lap. "Everyone, this is Felix. He's mute," Jisung said.

Minho added, "Kitten, we're a K-pop group. That's Chan, Changbin, Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Jeongin."

Felix wrote on his pad, "I know who you are. I used to listen to you all the time and even did your dances."

"Why used to, angel?" Jeongin asked.

Felix wrote, "I've been homeless for two years now."

"Did something happen to make you homeless and mute, little one?" Chan inquired gently. Felix nodded, tears welling up in his eyes.

"It's okay, love. You don't have to tell us," Hyunjin reassured him.

They ordered dinner and included Felix in their conversation. When Felix went to the bathroom, the group had a quick meeting.

"Hyung, I want to take him with us. I don't care why he won't talk or what happened to him. He's so sad and needs help," Jisung said earnestly.

"I think so too, Ji. Any objections?" Chan asked. Everyone shook their heads in agreement.

When Felix returned, he moved to sit in a seat, but Jisung gently pulled him back into his lap.

"Honey, will you come home with us? You'll be warm, have food, and clothes," Jisung asked Felix.

Felix wrote on his pad, "You don't have to. I don't want to be a charity case."

"That's far from the reason we're asking, little one," Chan said. "We want to take care of you. We don't know why you can't talk or why you're homeless, but we want to be the people who help you and maybe help you smile and be happy again."

"I don't know, there's just something telling me that you belong with us. Please, honey, say yes," Jisung pleaded. Felix looked at all of them and, sensing their sincerity, he nodded.

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