Omega Love (OT8)🔞

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Felix was an omega who could heal, thanks to his mother's tutelage. He was very knowledgeable in herbs and potions for healing, having been taught by his mother his whole life. When she learned she was pregnant with him, she had fled her pack and her alpha mate, not wanting the pup to be abused. She already knew Felix would be an omega boy.

With her extensive healing abilities, she raised Felix in a small cottage deep in the forest, far from her previous pack's territory. There, she taught him everything he needed to know about medicines and antidotes. Felix finally perfected a charm that disguised his omega scent, allowing him to pass as a beta when he ventured into the village to sell his remedies.

What Felix didn't know was that not far from his cottage lay the territory of the formidable Stray Kids pack. Known for being strays before their pack alpha Chan found them, the Stray Kids were all bonded mates in a polyamorous relationship.

On this day, Felix had gone out to gather herbs for potions requested by villagers, venturing farther than usual to find a rare herb. Despite wearing his scent-disguising charm, he was suddenly faced by two large wolves - an ash-gray one and a ginger. The ash-gray wolf shifted into his human form, an average height, muscular man.

"Why are you trespassing in Stray Kids territory? Didn't your pack teach you not to do that?" the man demanded. Frightened, Felix felt himself growing dizzy and blacked out. The ginger wolf shifted as well, catching Felix just in time.

"Changbin, you scared him to death," the younger man, Jeongin, chided.

"Well, how was I supposed to know he was such a sensitive beta?" Changbin replied.

"Something's wrong with his smell. Let's get him back to the den." Jeongin said.

Upon arriving back at their den, Jeongin reported to Chan, "Changbin and I caught him trespassing in our territory. When Changbin transformed and asked what he was doing here, the boy fainted. He's a beta, but something seems off about his scent."

"Let me check him over, see if he's hurt," Chan said. As he began removing the boy's clothes, he noticed a strange charm around the boy's neck. Removing it, Chan was suddenly hit by the boy's true omega scent.

"He's an omega," Hyunjin announced.

"And he's our mate," Seungmin added, the others nodding in agreement as they smelled the bond.

They gathered around the couch where the unconscious omega lay, waiting quietly for him to awaken.

Felix slowly stirred, finding himself covered in a blanket but wearing only his boxers. His charm was gone - had these wolves discovered he was an omega? He shot upright, eyes wide as he took in the seven pairs of eyes watching him.

"So, little one, we have a few questions for you," Chan said gently.

"There's no need to fear, kitten. We won't hurt you," Minho assured him.

"What's your name?" Chan asked with a kind smile.

"F-Felix," he stammered.

Chan's questions tumbled out. "Why were you in our territory? Why were you wearing a charm to mask your scent? Where did you get that? Where is your pack?"

Felix's eyes filled with tears as he explained. "I didn't know this was your territory. I was just looking for a rare herb. I live in a cottage about a mile away. I created the charm for protection, since I'm a lone omega. My mother fled our pack when she was pregnant with me, so my alpha father wouldn't abuse me for being an omega. She taught me to be a healer, but she died three years ago, and I've been alone since then."

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