#R4 What Do We Count In A Galaxy Filled With Unlucky Stars?

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The cover is okay but it's not very appealing, maybe have the characters as covers? They look like an interesting bunch in my head. Based on the cover alone I wouldn't pick up the story so yeah, that would be a shame. It's an interesting read.

The title feels a bit long for me personally, and I can't get a feel of the story from it, is it a quote from one of the characters later on? It feels like it is the weak point of the story currently.

👵》Blurb/Story Description
The blurb is short but does enough, not sure what I would add. Hmm.

The world building isn't really in your face, most would write a wall of text so I do like this one, slowly revealing me what the world is but maybe just a bit more would be fine. I'd say it is well done though.

I could imagine bits and pieces of the scenes the characters are in but not the full picture,so maybe could work a bit more on setting the scenes.

👵》Plot & Conflict
The plot and conflict is nice, it has enough tension and hooks to keep me engaged, it is clear that they want to get off the planet and stay alive from the blurb. The story does not divert away from that, and it starts at the right spot I believe, it has tension from the get go. I like it.

The characters are lacking in description early, I know they were aliens with the silver blood but it didn't occur to me that Sol has four arms until later, and that's when that scene finally made sense. But the dynamic between the two definitely shines, I don't mind reading their interactions as characters' reactions and emotions are written well, tense but friendly.

The start of the story is good, it is an interesting premise and unique as far as my knowledge goes, a good hook that generates enough curiosity. And the way you structure the chapters are well done in my opinion, though some proofreading is needed as there are a few spelling errors.but the story is engaging enough.

I'd say it is written well already, enough tension and hook to keep the pages turning though the scene could be set better. 

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