#R34 Hit Send

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👵》Cover / Title
I do like the cute cover, and the title is oddly interesting. 😂It does line up with the story considering it's about using social media, and also since the story started because she "hit send". So I think the cover and title works.

👵》Blurb/Story Description
I think the blurb is interesting, but I do think it needs fixing in terms of writing mechanics unless you purposely made them that way? Though I struggle to understand why.

My only complaint would be the visual backdrop, I think the characters are great and they are definitely the strong points of the story. But I have no idea how the world looks like, the scenes that the characters are in, I think a brief description to paint the world the characters are in would be nice.

👵》Plot & Conflict
You write the story well, the character's motivation is established early in the story though the plot doesn't start soon enough in my opinion, it is fun reading the dynamic between Jupita and Sirius but I did start to wonder if I am reading the same story the blurb promised. I wanted the mystery of "Hit send" you sold but didn't find it...yet. 😂

I think you paint the character's personality well, I also like how you show her actions and emotions, the dynamic between the characters are established well too. Though I'd prefer to have their descriptions earlier in the story but that's okay.

I like your writing style, begs the question why the blurb is the way that it is? (Capitalization issues) I wouldn't read the book purely because of that TBH. First impressions matter! I think it was an enjoyable read even if I didn't even reach the plot. 😂 

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