Part 1

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Samantha POV

The names Samantha. Samantha Evergreen. I'm a freshman here at UCONN. Believe it or not but I'm Paige Bueckers childhood best friend.

Yea I know, shocker. May not be for real but it's whatever. It took her sooo long to convince me to come to UCONN. I was scared cause I'm not the type of person to talk. And knowing Paige's social status doesn't help especially since she's my best friend.

Since kindergarten might I add. We've been through a lot of shit together. From her parents divorcing to...uh to my parents passing away. Let's not go into that sappy stuff right now. Just know after that, I've been a selective mute. I pick and choose who I want to talk to.

We've just officially landed in Storrs, Connecticut. I'd be lying if I said I'm not nervous asf. "You good Sam?" i heard my blonde best friend ask.

I snap my head towards her and nod my head. "I need words, even if it's a whisper. I need to talk to me" i sigh before doing as she asked. "yea, a little nervous is all" i whisper to her.

She smiles at me and gives me a big hug. "We'll be okay, I promise" Paige whispers in my ear. "You girls ready to push off?" her dad asked to which Paige and I nod.

We head out of the airport and into an Uber Uncle Bob ordered. I was in the middle of her and her dad. Uncle B pats my thigh causing me to turn towards him.

he signs to me. ah yes, almost forgot that, after I became a selective mute Uncle B, Paige, and I decided to learn ASL to help me communicate better. We also got my tons of mini notebooks to write in if I don't want to sign.

'everything okay kid?' he signed. 'yea, just nervous, i'll be okay. i have paige' i signed back smiling at him.

('means ASL.' " means talking")

He nods and turns back to the front. I turn to paige and see her looking out the window in awe. i smile and sneak a picture of her. She's so adorable, I'm not surprised she was my first girl crush.

I remember when I came out to her as Lesbian and told her she was my first crush. I thought I was gonna lose my best friend but she hugged me and told me it's okay. She doesn't see me like that but she appreciates me telling her.

She's bisexual so she knows how hard it is to come out. It wasn't hard to lose those feelings for her but i will add she is one gorgeous female.

Anyways, after I took my lovely picture we began to pull up into UCONN. I felt a whole new wave of anxiety hit me. I started to anxiously bounce my knee and pick at my nails.

Paige noticed and held me hand. I looked over at her. "You're good Sam, we're good. We got this." she told me, smiling big. I'm proud of her cause I know she's been wanting to go to UCONN for so long.

The uber parks and all of us get out. "Thank you so much. We'll try and get everything out in a timely manner so we don't keep up your time." Uncle B tells the driver. "oh no take as much time as needed, I could help if you'd like to speed up the process" the driver responds.

Uncle B agrees and the driver hops out. While they start getting stuff out Paige and I head into the building to find our dorm. Surprisingly they allowed me to dorm with Paige in the athletes apartments.

"Good morning beautiful ladies, how may I help you guys!" the kind lady asked us after we walked in. "Hi! I'm Paige and this is Samantha, we were wondering if we could find our dorm room number?" blondie says back.

"Alrighty then and what's the full names?" she asked looking down at her computer. "Paige Bueckers and Samantha Evergreen" Paige says back.

She starts typing on her computer. "Ah yes! You guys will be in apartment number 35! The elevators are down that hall and the stairs are right next to them. Here are y'all's keys! Enjoy college and come to me if you guys ever need anything!" she finishes handing us our keys.

I smile and take mine so does Paige. "Thank you so much Mrs...?" Paige goes off hinting she wants to know the lady's name. "oh! Mrs. Cooks" paige nods and smiles once again. "Thank you Mrs. Cooks" Mrs. Cooks nods and we walk off.

Paige pulls out her phone and texts her dad letting him know which apartment we're in. Once she's done she turns towards me. "ahh, I'm so excited! I can't believe i get to go to college with my bestfriend/sister!" she says shaking my shoulders.

I laugh and hold her arms as she shakes me. "I know, i'm surprised you successfully convinced me to come here. You know I don't like you guys spending so much money on me." I said sending her a sad smile. She rolls her eyes.

"I don't care, you're my best friend and forever number 1 supporter. I need you, you're my lucky charm Sam." I roll my eyes this time. "You're so fucking corny" I said pushing her back slightly making her laugh.

She throws her arm around my shoulder as the elevator opens. "Yea yea whatever, you know you love meee!" she says in a singing tone. We approach the door and stop to look at each other. "I'm gonna let you do the honors of opening the door" she says stepping back.

I look at her and smile before puttin the key in and unlocking the door. I open it and stare in awe. It's fully furnished and everything. From the couch, to the TV, to the blinds. Everything, they even put in full beds in both rooms.

Paige squeals and jumps on my back. "I can't believe it!" she damn there yells in my ear. i put her down and we go looking around choosing who's room is who's. "knock knock!" i hear from the living room.

We both walk back and see Uncle B standing there with some boxes. "a little helps please?" Paige and I giggle and walk over to help.

After about 2-3 hours, we got everything in and our rooms set up. We still need to go buy a couple more things but as of now we're good. "I'm gonna head to the store and get you guys so groceries then i'll be heading to my hotel okay?" Uncle B says grabbing his wallet.

we both nod watching him walk to the door. "oh wait dad, when's our cars gonna get here?" paige asked before he fully left. "uhh, i'd say in about 2-3 days" Paige nods and waves him off.

we plop down on the couch in silence. "I can't wait for that pre season training. I feel like i need more muscle you know?" she says flexing her arms which makes me laugh.

"yea of course you do!" she rolls her eyes at my statement and slumps back down. "I have a team meeting in about an hour. You wanna go or wait for dad?" she turns her head towards me.

I shake my head implying I don't want to go. She sighs and turns her whole body towards me. "Samantha." uh oh, we're using full names, it's about to get serious. "I know what happened was horrible but you can't keep yourself locked up in the past." she says grabbing my hands.

"I was hurt too and I know it takes time but you need to get back out there...please for me?" she finishes looking in my eyes. I look down feeling the tears in my eyes. I lean over and hug her which she gladly accepts.

"I'll try. I can't promise it'll be right away but i'll try. i'm not so sure about the talking though. i'm not confident enough for that yet." i tell her truthfully. she squeezes me tight before responding, "I know Sam, i know. i'm just glad you're willing to take that step"

i pull back smiling at her. i wipe my eyes of the few tears that fell done into my cheeks. "well go get ready! i don't wanna keep you from seeing your team."

she smiles and hops up running to her room damn there tripping on the way. Which makes me laugh out loud.

I guess I'm officially moved into college. yay...

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Kalissa Faye as Samantha Evergreen

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