Part 24

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Samantha POV

It's been a month since i've given nika her promise ring. Today is game day and I have a surprise for her.

She's been feeling home sick for the past couple of weeks. She's been on the phone with her sister and mom almost daily after every practice.

I feel bad because I don't know how it feels because Paige's dad aka my uncle could always come visits us and go back home in the span of 2 days.

Mean while it would take Nika's family 8 hours to get here and then go back.

We've been going on strong though. Every time she's sad or feels some type of way about anything she comes to me immediately and demands cuddles while we talk about her feelings.

I don't argue because one i love cuddles and two i'm glad she's confiding in me about how she feels.

i'm sitting here texting her sister making sure her and her parents had a ride to the game. she told me not to worry and just keep nika's head leveled.

as i'm finishing up texting hana nika busts into my room. "my sisters location is off same with my parents." she looks panicked. "i need cuddles and reassurance right now please like right now or i'll freak out and not be able to play good tonight and-" i cut her off by giving her a hug.

she melts into my arms and I take us to my bed to lay down and cuddle. "now slowly tell me how you're feeling princess" she sighs and cuddles into me even more.

"they never turn off their location and i'm just worried. i've been feeling home sick for weeks and the fact that they're not answering my texts and i can't see where they are isn't helping" i rub my fingers through her hair to help calm her down.

"it's already too much that they can't come to any of my games plus with my home sickness and now THIS, it's like the world is out to get me right." she whines and pulls back to look at me.

"do you think they did it on purpose or that something actually happened to them?!" i can see the panic in her eyes and i shake my head.

i give her a kiss on her forehead. "want me to say something now?" she quickly nods her head. i smile at her and play with her hair as i begin to talk.

"i think that they are okay and something might have happened to where their location just got cut off. we can't always assume the worst because the more you assume the worst the more you'll overthink and worry about it" she nods her head understanding.

"right now you need to focus on getting game ready. getting into the mindset of the best defensive player nika muhl okay?" she cheeses and nods her head again.

"you're gonna be okay, okay? i'm sure after the game you'll have messages from all three of them and you'll be able to see their location" she breaths in and out.

"yea, okay, im gonna go get changed i'll see you at the gym?" i smile and nod my head. she leans in and kisses me. "mm, one more" i whisper against her lips.

she kisses me again but this one is a bit longer. "mm, one more real quick" she giggled and shakes her head while pulling away. "no cause then we'll probably end up fucking and i need my legs today sooo no i can't do that"

i pout and roll my eyes. "no we wouldn't" i mumble as she walks away. "what was that?" she turns around with a smug look in her face and i flip her off.

she giggles and continues to walk away. "LOVE YOU!" she yells as she's exiting. i shout it back. i quickly get dressed and check my phone for hana's text.

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