Part 12

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Samantha POV

I've been in shock by what nika said the other day. I haven't told anyone but have just been in my own mind for the past 5 hours.

While they were out celebrating their win i was cooped up in my room replaying what nika said over and over again. it was now 1 am and i'm up staring at my ceiling with music playing lowly in the background.

"does she like me? no that's not possible she just hates me. well...has the flirting helped?" i whispered to myself. man i'm really going crazy for this girl.

i groan and rub my hands over my face. i get up and walk to the kitchen for some water.

i'm standing at our island drinking my water whenever i hear a light knock on the door. i stand still for a little thinking i'm hearing things when the knock happens again.

i sigh and set my cup down and walk to the door. i open it up and see the person i've been tripping about for the past 5 hours. i gulp and take in her appearance.

she's wearing a tight black tank top that's slightly rolled up and some gray sweats. "i uh-paige got drunk and i uh wanted to let you know.." she says nervously.

i nod my head kinda already knowing since she didn't come home. "uh...can i come in for a little?" i move out the way and open up the door for her to walk in.

i close the door and point towards my room. "rooms that way" she nods and walks away. when she's out of my sight and sigh and grip my heart. my heart is beating out of control and i'm trying no to freak all the way out.

i muster up the courage to go back to my room. i walk in and see her sitting at the edge of my bed with her shoes off. i hop on and sit in the middle more towards the head board.

"you can get more on yk?" she turns towards me and looks at the spot in front of me and scoots into that spot.

we stare at each other for a little tills she talks. "you like me...right?" i nod my head in response feeling my heartbeat speed up more if that's even possible.

"and i think i like you." my eyes go wide and my hands begin to become clammy. "i like how sweet you are, i like how funny you can be without talking, i like you handwriting a lot, i like your smile, your laugh, your height, how much you care for the team, how pretty you are, and mainly your voice your soft but raspy voice" she lists off making my face heat up.

i've never been told things like that before. "and i, i want to try and show you that i like you but i've never liked someone as much as i like you so it's hard." i lean closer to her and grab her hands.

"it's also super overwhelming cause i know that you like me and i don't want to break your sweet little heart" i just silently listen to her confession.

i rub my thumbs over the back of her hands to help soothe her anxiety that's radiating off of her. "so uh yea, i like you sammy, like a lot" she chuckles. i smile at her and bring her hands to my lips giving them both a kiss.

"and right now i like really want to kiss you" i smirk at her and grab her by the hips bringing her to my lap. she gasps at the sudden movement and puts her hands on my shoulders.

"then do it" i whisper leaning closer to her lips. she slowly sets her hand on my cheek and leans closer to me. our lips inches maybe even centimeters apart.

she got impatient and smashed her lips onto mine. i grip onto her hips as we kiss.

i felt like i was on the moon. we're kissing, her lips are against mine and mine are against hers. it's like a dream come true.

she slowly kissed down my jaw towards my neck. my breathing picks up and i tilt my head back. i feel her nip at my neck making me gasp.

i pull her back. "shit, im sorry i got carried away i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable." she begins and tries to get off my lap.

i hold her still and turn her chin towards me. "never that, i just wanna take things slow love. i don't want to rush you okay?" she nods her head and blushes.

i smile and give her a kiss on the lips. "sleep?" she smiles and leans into me and i lay us down.

she's here. in my arms. i've never felt more happy in my life.


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paigeyy._.: look what i found when i came home this morning

tagged sammy._. and croatian.queen

liked by evia_, aubss.grif., and 10 others

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evia_: omg! nika and sam?!
^paigeyy._.: literally what i thought when i walked in

chrissy_.: nika is totally gonna get you
^aubss.grif.: no cause fr 😭
^paigeyy._.: yall pray for me😔

not.aaliyah: i fucking called it! olivia i want my 20!
^evia_: why're y'all placing bets on my kids?!
^nelson.o: oops...?

sammy._.: when i successfully get nika off me without waking her up your dead meat
^sammy._.: and send this to me thanks
^paigeyy._.: will i be less dead meat if i do?
^sammy._.: yea.
comment liked by paigeyy._.

hi guys! i hope you guys enjoy this part. it's kinda like a filler but that's okay! anyways much love <3


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