Part 13

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Nika POV

It been a couple of days since I confessed to Sam. She's stuck to her word of allowing me to take it slow either way my feelings.

things have changed though. i've caught myself looking-no staring at her during practices. it's hard not to now that i officially came to the conclusion that i like her.

as of right now we're all hangin out in evina and my dorm room. "bro, we should play never have a ever!" chistyn says breaking the silence.

everyone agrees and we get into a circle and hold up 5 fingers. "i'll go first, never have i ever gotten black out drunk." evina, paige, and i put a finger down. "you should've said just straight drunk chris, more people would've put a finger down" oliva says making us giggle.

"well then i would've put a finger down and i'm not tryna get myself out, duh" chris says back in a sassy tone. next it was evina's turn.

"never have i ever had a one night stand." olivia, anna, christyn and i put a finger down. "nika?! omg when?!" evina calls out making me blush and side eye sam.

she's looking at me curious too. i groan. "do i have to say?" everyone nods well not everyone but same difference.

"junior year of highschool i went to this party and ended up blackout drunk and slept with this girl that had a crush on me for awhile. afterwards we never spoke again cause she ended up moving." i finish and take a sip of my drink.

"soooo what i'm hearing is you probably would've been in a relationship with this girl if she didn't move..?" i shrug my shoulders. "can't remember if she was good or not cause yk blackout drunk."

i glance at sam and see her looking back at the group and not at me anymore. she looks uninterested and uncomfortable. maybe i should've kept that memory to myself.

we continue on with the game and it's paige and sam left. sam has like 4 fingers left while paige has 1. "okayyyy, best friends against each other!" anna teases.

it's paige's turn to go. "hmmm i know one that'll get that finger down. and don't judge her guys i swear on everything we'll be fighting" she says pointing her one finger at all of us.

i squint my eyes wondering what she's gonna say. she clears her throat and smirks at sam. who's glaring at her like she knows what she's gonna say.

"never have i ever, been named best head giver in highschool." my eyes widen quick as hell and i snap my head to sam.

she mugs paige but puts a finger down anyways. "what?! omg i need to hear this! spill the tea!" aaliyah says from beside me.

i really don't wanna hear it but i guess imma have to. "i'll tell them if you're okay with it" paige says looking over at sam who shrugs her shoulders.

"okay sooo technically, she had a fling with this junior out freshman year and they got frisky. and the junior was the type to brag about her sex life and went around saying how sam gave her the best head she's ever had." everyone gasps while sam just sits there nonchalantly.

"go on!" chris says. paige giggles but goes on. "after that sam had a small how stage cause she was a freshie and didn't know what to do with her fame so she technically had fling after fling giving these girls head." my eyes widen even more and i glance back at sam.

she's now looking at me with her head tilted watching me. i gulp and look away. "anyways but yea afterwhile she stopped cause she got tired of being used. thing is not a single girl she hooked up with seen her body." paige shrugs finishing her story.

i don't know if i should be relieved about that or jealous these random ass girls got head from her. "now i want to experience it" aubrey chimes in. i shot a glare at her and she shuts her mouth.

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