Part 18

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Samantha POV

Its the next day and I was making my way to the gym for practice. Geno said there was some things he needed help organizing in his office so he asked me to come by.

I was walking today cause it was nice outside when I accidentally ran into this girl. i froze not knowing what to do. she looked scared too like she didn't know what to do either.

'sorry' i apologized and her eyes went wide. 'you know sign language?!' she quickly signed back making me smile.

'yea i'm selective mute so i learned sign language' she smiles wide at me. 'that's so cool! i'm deaf so yk i kinda have to know it' i giggle and nod my head.

'sorry for running into you' she shakes her head at me quickly. 'no you're okay! i played a part in the collision' i smile at her.

'you're a pretty cool person could i possibly get your number so we can talk more?' she asked and i nod my head whipping out my phone and handing it to her.

'i'm kimberly by the way!' 'samantha'

she puts her number in it and we both say bye before walking away.

that was cool. i thought. happy that there was someone else that i could talk to in sign language other than paige.

i make it to the gym and was greeted by everyone. nika immediately comes up to me and gives me a hug. "hi baby!" i hug her back and kiss her forehead. "hi princess" i whisper to her.

she starts rambling about how aaliyah and paige were teaming up against her earlier. i just stared at her with a smile on my face. she stops talking and looks at me.

"are you even listening sam!" my smile widens and i shake my head. "your beauty is very distracting" she turns pink and punches my shoulder before trying to walk off.

i chuckle but grab her waist and pull her back to me. i give her a hug and kiss her temple. "i'm sorry baby, i was kidding, i promise i was listening." she groans and rolls her eyes.

"hey sam! this is me and you time not you and nika time! bring ya ass!" i hear coach yell from the sidelines making everyone erupt with laughter.

"well that's my cue, also i gotta tell you something awesome that happened later okay?" i say quickly and she nods her head.

i jog over to geno and he explains what he needs done and that i can ask any questions if i need to. i understand what he needed me to do pretty quickly.

it was a lot but i was able to finish around the time they ended practice.

i was standing outside waiting on the girls. that is till kimberly walks up. 'hey samantha!' i smile as she walks up. 'heyy, how're you?'

'good, just taking a night stroll' i nod my head understanding. 'so why're you out here?' i was getting ready to sign back to her but someone interrupted me.

"sammmmm! okay so the gir-" paige cuts herself off when she sees kimberly. "oh hello!" she sticks her hand out for kimberly to shake.

kimberly smiles and shakes her hand. "what's your name?" she glances at me for help. 'she understands sign language' i tell her and she quickly nods her head.

"oh is she mute too? or no deaf?" i nod my head proud of my best friend. 'my name is kimberly, and yes i'm deaf but i can read lips really well' paige nods her head.

"well i'm this weirdos best friend, names paige" kimberly smiles at her. 'nice to meet you paige!' i see paige blush slightly.

ah shit! paige has a crushhhh!

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