Part 20

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Samantha POV

Nika has been ignoring me and i don't know why. I mean i have a feeling as to why but i'm not so sure.

i've been crying every night then waking up the next day like i didn't. i don't know what to do. i've tried to talk to her but every time i approach her she walks away.

it hurts cause i love this girl so fucking much. i'm pretty sure paige knows i've been crying but haven't asked about it.

i wanted to make things better between nika and i. i've been talking to kim about it and she's said that i should let her breath a bit before talking.

i've also learned that her and paige are talking now and she's thinking about asking her out on a date.

today i'm wanting to get nika a promise ring to show my
loyalty to her and that i love her.

i told kim about my plans and she asked to go cause she wanted to get something for her mom for her birthday.

i walk to paige's room and knock. "yea?" i walk in.

'going to the mall' she furrows her eyebrows. "are you okay? your eyes are swollen and red..." i close my eyes and take a deep breath to not let myself start to cry.

"i'm fine" i say then walk out grabbing my keys. kim said she'll meet me at my car to head to the mall.

i walk down and see her by my car so i unlock it and we get in. "how're you feeling?" she asked once i start the car.

'ass, i haven't slept since i met you no offense but it true. i've been crying every night kim and i really hope when i get her this ring she'll understand i only want her' i sign quickly.

"okay okay, calm down. i get it let's just get there and get her ring yea?" i nod and pull off.

we get there and head in going to the second floor. i see the jewelry store i wanted to go to and walk in. i wrote the thing i wanted to say down since i didn't wanna talk to this girl.

she pulled out a couple of things and i showed on to kim that i thought was nice. she smiles nods her head. i slip it on her finger to see if it'll fit cause her and nika have the same ring size. once it's on she gets super happy and hugged me.

'yes! omg and it's her fave jewel! she's gonna love it' i smile and turn back to the lady but feel a tap on my arm.

i look at kim and she points the opposite way. i turn and see nika and paige walking away. i quickly take the ring off kim and give it back to the lady before jogging out.

she's far away so i speed up and grab her shoulder. she turns to me and slowly removes my hand. my heart drops...

is this is? is this officially the end of us? "i know i haven't been the best girlfriend at the moment and i understand that you wanna move on.

i don't wanna let you go but i'm not going to fight you. go and be with kim, she's great. could've at least let me explain..." she softly smiles then walks away not letting me reply.

what...? moved on? i feel kim grab my arm. 'i'm so sorry i should've never came. i should've stayed home she would've never thought the wrong thing' i grab her hands to stop her.

'not your fault' i sign then begun to cry. kim hugs me and tells me it's going to be okay.

'i want the ring. i'm still going to give it to her' kim nods and we go back and purchase the ring. $250 is how much i spent and i have zero regrets.

kim ends up driving back to the dorms. once we're there she gives me another hug. "go get your girl sam, i'll talk to paige about everything you worry about nika okay?" i nod she leaves.

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