Part 17

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Nika POV

She loves me. She said she fucking loves me! Lord I have never felt so happy in my life bro. the second i got back on the court i smiled over at her.

i was gonna play this game to the best of my ability to show her i listened to her advice.

we ended up winning 80-47. I ended up dropping 20 points tonight with 2 steals, 4 rebounds, and 8 assists.

I feel like I could've had more assists but it's okay at least i helped my teammates.

after the game i skipped out to samantha to see her pacing around talking to paige. i smile and move towards them.

i see paige say something and samantha freezes in her spot. i swing my arm around her neck and kiss her cheek. "hey baby!" she wraps one of her arms around my waist and hugs me.

"hey princess" i smile at her and look over at paige. "good game today twin" she shrugs her shoulders and dusts off invisible dust.

i laugh and her and slightly push her shoulders. "you're one to talk bro, 20 pts! i see you twin!" she jumps and shakes my shoulders. i laugh again and hold her arms.

once we calm down the rest of the girls come out and we all start to exit the building. "sooooo, who's dorm we going to?" aaliyah askes.

"olivia and chris?" aubrey says shrugging and everyone starts to agree. "uhhhh no! i wanna go home and fucking sleep!" liv says obnoxiously making everyone laugh. "and i don't so to our dorm we gooo!" chris skips out the building.

i laugh and wrap my arm around sam's. when everyone is far enough i stop our walking and turn to her. "did you mean what you said earlier?" her face turns bright red.

she opens her mouth to say something but stutters and gets cut off. "come onnnn!" aubrey yells from sam's car. we agreed to take aubrey home.

i chuckle and turn back to sam. "we'll talk later sweetie" i tap her chest and walk off.

what if she didn't mean it...? no, no of course she meant it.

we all get in sam's car and head off to the dorms. when we get there everyone separates to their separate rooms to shower then meet at liv and chris's.

i finish up before evina and go over to paige's. i knock on the door and paige opens it. "oh thank god, go in there and keep sam company she doesn't feel like hanging with the girls tonight." she immediately says and walks out.

i stand there stunned for a second before shutting the door and walking to her bedroom. i knock on it but bear no response so i walk in.

i hear the shows running so i conclude that she's in the shower. i lay down on her bed and wait.

after a couple of minutes i hear the water turn off. i sit up on my elbows and wait for her to walk out. when she does she stops dead in her tracks and stares at me.

"hi sweetie" i smile sweetly at her and her face goes red. she looks down at herself before quickly turning to her closet. she was only in her towel before changing.

she ended up in a wife beater and some basketball shorts. once she's done she climbs on top of me and lays there.

"exhausting day?" i run my fingers through her hair and she hums in content.

physical touch with her had got to be my favorite thing.

we just layed there cuddling. she wasn't saying anything and neither was i.

that's until i decided to questions her again.

i sigh and push her head up off my chest to look her in the eyes. "i'm gonna ask you this one last time and you don't have to lie to me okay? i won't be hurt.." she sharply inhales but nods her head.

"did you mean what you said during the game?" we sit there in silence for a second. her cheeks slowly turn red before she shyly nods.

i wanted to hear her say it. she needed to say it to me. "say it, say it was true...please?" i desperately asked her.

i bit my lip waiting for her. she smiles at me. she grabs my face and leans in to give me a kiss. "i love you nika muhl, so fucking much." she whispers against my face.

i have never in my life felt so fucking happy. i immediately squeeze her in a hug.

i feel my eyes tear up. she loves me! she actually loves me!

i pulls away and smile wide at her. "i love you! omg it feels so good to say that! i love you so so much sam like it's crazy!" i rant out quickly before pulling her into a kiss.

she immediately responded and grabbed onto the back of my neck.

after awhile of us making our we turn on her tv and cuddle some more.

"why didn't you wanna hang out with the girls?" i question her.

she sits up looks at me confused. "paige said you didn't wanna hang out with them tonight and asked me to keep you company." she furrows her eyebrows before rolling her eyes.

"she's such a fucking instigator. i told her to go on without me cause i would be awhile in the shower. i guess whenever you came over she took it as a chance to get us alone so we could talk." she finishes then lays back down.

i laugh at how stupid paige is. "that's totally a paige thing" she nods against my chest.

"yup that's my best friend for you. azzi needs to come take her bro. she needs to graduate quickly and take paige off my hands" i laugh some more.

knowing damn well azzi and paige would team up against sam and cause havoc.

"i know sweetie. i know" she mumbles incoherent words making me smile and shake my head.

this has been such a great day. i dropped 20 pts. we won our game. and sam and said 'i love you' which is crazy.

i know some may think it's too early but many people know they love someone faster than others. and we are that type of couple.


uh hi again. i cried some more so i don't know if i'll be able to do another one. i hope you guys enjoyed though. i can't promise this but i'll try to work on another chapter tmrw. i have prom though so we'll see. much love <3

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