Part 7

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Samantha POV

We just officially landed in Massachusetts and I have never been more excited to get off a fucking plane in my life! that vanessa chick is crazy.

she kept throwing indirect insults at me like i wouldn't notice and would constantly flirt with nika. i mean it's not like i care about that last part, haha...right?

anyways the second we're off and in the actual airport i walk off. i couldn't be around her a second longer.

i walk to the restroom not letting anyone say anything as i leave. i text paige and let her know i'm good and just in the restroom. she tells me okay and that she'll grab my bag and drop me her location once i'm done.

i get to the restroom and sigh running my hands over my face. i grab a paper towel and wet it going over my eyes a little.

i hear the door open but don't pay it any mind since it's a public place, that is till i feel a presence next to me. i stop what i'm doing and look over.

it's nika...

she's just sitting there staring at me.

i just stare back and clear my throat. "yes?" she glances down at my hand and grabs the paper towel.

"you jealous sammy?" she says going over my eyes for me. i just blink and stare at her. i slowly shake my head.

she smirks and grabs my chin pulling me closer to her. "mm i'll believe it when i see it sammy. the way you were gripping that poor arm rest on the plane as vanessa flirted with me says otherwise." she lets go and steps closer.

i can feel my breath pick up as this breathtaking female gets closer to me. i look down at her feeling my cheeks heat up.

"so pretty girl...i'm gonna ask you again. were. you. jealous?" i simply nod my head.

she smirks and brings her right hand to the nape of my neck and lightly grips my hair. she pulls me down and brings her face closer to my ear.

"now it wasn't that hard to admit was it?" i shake my head and place my right hand on her hip.

i hear her breath hitch as i do, making me smirk, happy i have some kind of effect on her. "but don't worry sweetie, she has zero chance" she finishes before lightly kissing behind my ear.

i close my eyes at the feeling but snap them open when that certain warmth is gone and i hear the door open and close.

shes gone.

she made me hot, horny, and flustered...and just left.

i let out a breath and lean on to the sink for support. my legs feel like jelly and i've barley been touched.

what kind of effect does this women have over me.

i shake it off and walk out. i text paige letting her know i'm done. she drops her location and i make my way over.

i get there and stand with them. "hey everything good?" paige says as i make it to her. 'yea why?' she tilts her head.

"you look super flushed. as if you had se-" i cut her off by covering her mouth.

i glare at her. she grins at me as i remove my hand. "was it nika?" i furrow my eyebrows astonished by the fact she knew that quickly. 'how-?' she shakes her head at me.

"she left like a minute after you did and came back a minute before you did. so i'm putting two and two together and say you guys were together." i sigh and shake my head.

"am i right though? was it nika?" i clench my jaw as i glance over at the pretty lady we're talking about at the moment. not paying paige any attention.

i see her and vanessa. vanessa who has her hands all over nika like she's hers. "ahh, im totally right" paige says next to me.

i bring my glare to her and punch her arm. "owe! you asshole" i roll my eyes and flip her off.

"alright ladies! bus is here let's board and head to the hotel to get some sleep!" we all put our bags on the bottom compartment of the bus and get on.

as we're heading to the hotel coach is talking about rooms. "okay ladies, so we chose the rooms at random. there should be 3 rooms of 2 and 1 room of 3 okay?" we all reply with a yes.

"oh so she speaks?" i hear vanessa whisper to nika that's not even paying her any mind. "yea, when she likes you." nika replies. vanessa laughs out loud making everyone look at her.

"is there something funny vanessa?" geno calls her out making me almost laugh. paige hits my shoulder and we both try to hide our laugh.

"u-uh no sir, sorry" she says in a low voice. this makes it harder for me and paige to not laugh. aaliyah hits our head from behind us and chuckles.

"right, like i was saying here's the roommates."

paige and aaliyah
evina and christyn
aubrey, oliva, and vanessa
nika and samantha

"everyone got it?" geno calls out after he finishes.

"wait! can i switch with sam? i'm closer with nika i think it'll be appropriate." i scowl at the fact she used my nickname.

i quickly tap paige's shoulder. 'tell her she can't call me sam and that i don't like her and she's a big fat bitch' paige shakes her head.

i glare at her. "no vanessa that won't be possible." vanessa huffs and rolls her eyes. i tap paige again and point at vanessa.

she rolls her eyes. she looks up and finally taps vanessa's shoulder. "yes paige?" she says smiling hard. i look at her disgusted cause be so fr.

"sam said she doesn't like you and that you can't use her nickname...respectfully" her smile drops slightly and she glances over at me.

she rolls her eyes and turns back around. "happy?" i shake my head. 'why'd you say respectfully? there was nothing respectful about what i told you to say. and she's lucky i choose not to talk or i would've cussed her out cause wh-' she cuts me off from signing and holds my hands.

"i'm too tired to be reading all that let me sleep before we get there please" she whines and i huff but reluctantly nod my head.

she ends up falling asleep on my shoulder and when we make it to the hotel she doesn't fully wake up.

we get her off the bus but she doesn't want to walk by herself so i get her on my back and carry her to her room.

as i'm doing this though nika looks pissed. pissed like she's ready to cut someone's head off.

uh oh.

i get paige safely into her room and go back to mine. i walk in and hear music playing lightly. i see nika chilling on her bed scrolling through her phone.

god she looks gorgeous without even trying.

she looks up at me and throws a pillow. "don't stare you weirdo. shut off the light im going to sleep" she seethes at me and turns over.

i gulp and take off my shoes and shirt. i usually sleep in just a bra and boxers but to make her comfortable i keep my sweats on.

i shut off the lights and slip into bed. i plug my phone up and turn to look at her. when i do she's already looking at me.

she has that type of stare that's so intoxicating that you can't look away or get enough of it.

after awhile though she turns over putting her back to me.

i sigh and turn to my back just staring at the ceiling. i can't sleep, i don't know why...

is it because of this beauty of a human sleep on the next bed over? is it because i'm nervous? am i just not tired?

i don't know but it's getting annoying. it's only annoying because my mind keeps drifting back to muhl.

nika fucking muhl.


i like her.

i actually have feelings for nika muhl.


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