Part 22

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Samantha POV

Practice has just ended and i was standing outside texting kim because we both didn't feel like signing atm.

We were waiting for about 10 minutes before the girls came out. nika and paige walk over to us. nika hugs me and we sway a little. "wanna go back to mine or yours?" paige asked kim.

who glances at us and i mouth yours. she turns back to paige. 'mine' she smiles and turns to us. "ight i'll catch y'all later. i'll probably sleepover kim's and sam, please do the dishes when you get back" i roll my eyes and shrug.

they walk off and it was just me and nika. i pull away from her and begin to walk to my dorm.

nika catches up and holds my hand. "what's wrong..." i glance at her and shake my head. i most definitely can not fold.

she rubs my back as we're walking. with how sexually frustrated i am, her touching my back like that isn't helping. "am i sleeping over again?" she asked and i just nod.

as we're walking a group of frat boys walk by like a herd of them. i quickly get out of nika's hold and pull her to where she's infront of me.

we stopped waiting for all of them to pass. i was too focused on the frat boys i didn't feel nika gripping my wrists.

"shit, you good?" i glance down at her and she's just staring straight ahead not replying. i grab her jaw and tilt her head to where she's looking at me.

"princess?" she finally looks at me but jts not her regular look but a look of lust. i glance down at her lips quickly but then let her go of her and kept heading to the dorm.

cause if i don't i'm gonna break and id rather do it in private. i make it to the dorm and hold the door open for her to walk in. idk why but her ass is looking 10x as good right now.

once she's in i grab her hand a quickly walk to the elevator. we wait for a minute till the elevator gets there and get on.

once we're on i'm in front of her with my back to the entrance. the doors close and i lean over and press our floor.

i'm staring down at her trying to keep my composure knowing if i start it'll be hard for me to stop. nika looks down for a quick second then back up at me.

she takes a step forward and places her hand on my chest. "kiss me..." and uh...i listened, i listened like my life depended on it.

i crash my lips into hers. it wasn't super intense but you can feel the tension. there was also love and passion behind it.

my hand was in her hair. i slightly pulled on it and she moans. i feel the elevator coming to a stop. i grab her waist and say, "jump."

she jumps and i hold her still kissing mind you. when we get off i stop kissing her so i can see and get us to my room safely but she didn't care. she went ham on my neck. sucking, biting, licking, just leaving marks all over my neck.

it was getting harder to hold her from how weak she was making my knees feel but we made it in and into my room.

i place her onto my bed or well or like threw her but it wasn't super aggressive. "clothes off. now." she smirks at me and slowly start to peel off her clothes.

she was taking to long so i grab her legs and pull her to the end of the bed. i slip her sweats off and stare at her body.

she has the body of a goddess and i will never get over it. "fuck nika you're so beautiful" i whisper and run my fingers down her chest o her stomach.

she shudders under my touch and slightly blushes. "i'm gonna fuck you up so bad baby, you're not gonna be able to walk" i tell her making strong eye contact.

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