Part 2

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Samanth POV

It's been about a week since we've moved in. I'm enjoying it so far, I haven't gotten out much unless it's to eat with paige. I'm working on finding more friends but it's a process.

Paige has been pretty busy everyday with practice and what not. I'm just chilling in my room playing my guitar with some headphones in. I'm majoring in Art/drawing but playing guitar is my hobby on the side.

I was in peace playing my guitar just vibing when Paige busted in my room. "Get ready we're going out" my blonde best friend told me out of breath. I look at her confused.

I stopped playing and fully turned towards her. "uh hello to you too. where are we going?" she rolled her eyes and plopped down on my bed.

"some of the basketball girls are going out to eat tonight and I want you to meet them." she said smiling over at me. i like stopped breathing for a second.

"woah woah, okay Sam calm down. you don't have to go if you don't want to I promise it'll be fine." she said getting up coming to my side quickly. she held my face in her hands looking at me concerned.

"panic attack? or just fear?" i couldn't bring myself to talk to I put up 2 fingers indicating the second option. she sighs and hugs me tightly. "you don't have to go okay? i just wanted you to get out yk. i want my second family to meet my first one." she finishes making me smile.

i nod my head. 'i'll go, just for you' she smiles wide and jumps up and starts dancing. "ohhhhh yeaaaa!" i laugh and shake my head before getting up and walking to my bathroom.

i shower real quick and throw on a white cropped tank top and some low rise jeans with my yellow converse.

i left my hair down though. I walk out back into my room and grab some perfume. I know i may dress a little masculine but smelling like vanilla is always, ALWAYS my go to.

After i was finished i walked out my room towards the living room. Paige is there in her graphic tee and skinny jeans. lord i need to teach her how to dress.

she looks up from her phone as she sees me. "aweeee, you look cute! i love the fit! i know all the girls will like you." she comes and makes me swirl to see everything. "GYATT!" i laugh and turn back around. she smiles hard at me. "ahhhh, i made you laughhhh" she teases me.

i roll my eyes and walk towards the door. i grab my keys notebook and pen before turning back towards her. "i let everyone know that you're shy and don't really talk as much. i also told them you'll write down what you wanna say. so you don't have to worry...i hope" she cheeses at me.

we walk out the door and into our uber that paige ordered beforehand. since neither of us wanted to drive at the moment. we were meeting at this small diner a little ways away from the campus.

once we pull up paige thanks the driver and we hop out. my anxiety peeks a little more realizing i'm actually about to do this.

paige rubs my back and smiles at me. "you're okay sam, if you want to leave just let me know okay?" i nod my head and we make our way in.

immediately i see a semi-big group of people at the table and we walk over. a tall brown skinned girl sees paige and smiles. "paige! you made it!" she gets up coming over to hug her. the others turn around and smile.

"and you may be the famous samantha. paige never shuts up about you. you're literally her motivation" she says and hugs me taking me by surprise but i hug her back to not be rude.

"oh i'm so sorry you don't even know my name! i'm evina, evina westbrook" i tilt my head and grab my book and pen. she looks down at my hands and smiles waiting.

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