Part 6

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Samantha POV

It was the next day and paige and i were packing our suitcases. I was told last minute that we're boarding to leave later today.

"Paige Madison Bueckers! you asshat! why didn't you tell me this earlier that we're leaving this afternoon?!" i yell out as i'm rushing around making sure i've packed everything.

"i'm sorry! i didn't remember!" she yells back making my scoff. "bitch" i mumble and continue move around my room.

all of a sudden i hear a knock on the door. "paige get the door!" i yell out but get no response but another knock at our door. i scoff and roll my eyes and walk out to the door.

i open it up and see surprise surprise nika muhl. i gulp and take in her outfit. she's in a white crop top with some basketball shorts on. it's nothing over the top but she still looks great. she also had a jacket draped over her arm.

"you gon let me in?" she says pulling me out of my trance. i clear my throat and open the door. "you look good" i whisper to her before walking away back to my room.

i don't know if she heard me or not cause i didn't stick around to find out. i finish up packing but go back through to make sure i have everything before walking out into the livingroom.

i went to the kitchen to make snacks for me and the girls cause i know they'll try to eat junk food.

i finish up and pack them all up in a bag to distribute whenever we get on the bus. once i'm done i look up and see paige and nika talking. i throw a gold fish at her and she turns to me. "ow, you bitch" i smile.

'y'all ready?' she nods her head. "we need to stop by her room real quick so she can grab her bag and head over to the bus" she points at nika and i nod my head.

i look over her outfit and shake my head. "what?" 'your outfit is trash p, i really need to teach you how to style your clothes' she rolls her eyes. "whatever miss eazy-e" i giggle looking down at my outfit.

 "whatever miss eazy-e" i giggle looking down at my outfit

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i grab the snack bag and my suitcase and my keys and walk to the door. before exiting i stop and turn to paige. 'please make sure the door is locked before we leave' she rolls her eyes and flips me off.

i chuckle and walk off before stopping again. 'i'll just head to the car and y'all go get her stuff, good?' she nods and they walk off to the stairs while i take mine and her bags to the car.

i get there put our stuff in and start the car up. i decided to just let my music play till they get here. i'm chilling when they finally make it.

i pop the trunk and hop out. i put my hand out signaling for nika to give me her bag and she just stares at me. i look from her face to the bag and shake my hand a little.

"she wants your bag" paige says from behind her. i smile and shake my hand again. nika's face turns bright pink and she hands me her bag then rolls her eyes.

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