Part 10

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Nika POV

It's been a couple of days and I don't know what to do. sam is really showing me that she has feelings but it's not like super obvious.

it's so subtle you can barley notice. We won our game the other day and she smile at me and gave my head a pat saying good job.

she doesn't talk! especially to me! it's made things so much more complicated. i'm not supposed to like her, im supposed to hate her but she's making it hard! vanessa caught on to what sam was doing and has been clingy as fuck.

sam doesn't mind though, she's always able to find me whenever vanessa isn't around to 'flirt' with me. it's crazy, and i don't know who to talk to about it.

so now i'm sucking it up and going to talk to paige...her best friend.

I walk down the hall to paige's dorm. i knock a couple of times and wait. after like a minute paige answers the door. "oh hey nika! what's up?"

"i uh, can we talk?" i ask nervously. she looks at me confused but nods her head anyways.

she lets me in and i walk to sit on her couch. "so what's up? you seem distracted..." i but my lip but turn to her.

"sam likes me..." i say and paige's eyes go wide. she looks panicked like she didn't expect me to know or something. "and...she's flirting and i'm confused. i'm supposed to hate her. i know she's your best friend but that's what's supposed to happen." i cut myself off.

paige is still looking panicked. "but uh...i feel like i'm starting to like her too but I genuinely don't know what to do.." i nervously pick at my nails.

we sit there in awkward silence cause paige is still stunned for some fucking reason. "paige! please say something or i'm gonna scream i sweat to god"

she shakes her head before finally saying something. "she does...and she wants to show you that she's worth it but she wants you to figure out if you want to feel the same..." i feel my breath hitch at her words.

"nika, if you think you like her experiment. don't hold it in cause it won't help okay?" i nod my head.

"she's uh, she's talking to me now. i mean it's small sentences cause every time she says something i blush and walk away..." she smirks at me and hits my shoulder.

"ooooo" i roll my eyes and push her off. "her voice is hot p, why'd you never say it was raspy and low!" her eyes widen again and she's looking over my shoulder.

"like i'm serious, that's why i always blush! is it cause she doesn't really talk so that's where the raspyness comes fro-" she smacks her hand to my mouth and looks over my shoulder.

i lick her hand and she removes it wiping the spit off. "why'd you cut me off! i'm freaking out about sam's voice bro!" paige's eyes go even widen and her eye twitches...? she slowly lifts a finger and points behind me.

i sigh and look over my shoulder to see a fresh out the shower sam. "so my voice is hot?" i bout passed out. i was too stunned to speak and just say there.

sam walks over and closes my mouth that was hung open and pats my head. smiling might i add! she then turns to paige and fist bumps her before walking away.

i slowly turn to her and she's making that guilty face. "paige..." she slowly stands and walks away backwards. "paige." she awkwardly laughs.

"haha, yea?" i stand up and glare at her. "why didn't you say she was home...?" she scratches her neck. "i was too caught up in the boiling hot tea...?" my eye twitches and i pounce at her.

she screams and start running away. "paige fucking bueckers get your ass over here now!" i yell after her. "no no no! i'm sorry okay!" i continue to run after her till im picked up...?

why tf...who picked me up?! "listen nika, love. can you please not chase my best friend around our dorm?" sam asked lightly in my ear. i squeal and wiggle to get out of her arms.

i quickly turn around to face her with my face flushed red. "wha-you. omg, i need to go." i say walking out as fast as i can.

before i'm all the way out the door someone grabs my wrist. i turn and see it's sam. my eyes go wide a little. "yes...?" she smiles at me and brushes some hair out of my face.

"you look pretty today, just had to let you know" she walks back in the room and shuts the door. i stand there puzzled as hell as to what happened.

do i like her...?  no no that can't be...right?


hey guys this is just a filler chapter, im not totally sure what i want to continue with next but i'm gonna be working on it! much love <3

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