Part 8

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Samantha POV

The next morning i woke up before nika. Today coach geno decided that it'll be a lowkey day. The girls had all the way up to 4:00 off and then 4:30-6:30 they had practice sonic their game is tomorrow.

I got out of bed slowly so i wouldn't make that much noise. i grabbed my phone and some clothes.

i was wanting to hit the gym before breakfast so i grabbed some loose sweat pants and a sports bra and obviously some boxers.

i tip toed to the restroom and shut and locked the door. i played my music lightly and turned on the shower.

i hopped in and sighed in relief. a good ole hot shower is the best thing ever after waking up.

once i was done i got out dried myself as good as i could and threw on my stuff along with some deodorant and a couple of sprits of my perfume.

i grabbed my dirty clothes and phone and walked out the room. i look around the room and find the light on. i glance at nika's bed and see her sitting there on her phone.

"morning" i mumbled. she looks up at me and just stares. this time though i see her cheeks slightly turn red. i tilt my head at her and walk over to put my stuff away.

once i was done i walked back over to nika and lifted her chin so she was looking at me. i slowly rub the pad of my thumb over her cheek and see it progressively get redder.

i smirk and let her chin go. i grab my notebook and write something down.

heading tot the gym before breakfast, don't tell paige please, i'll see you later.

i ripped the page out and gave it to her grabbing my things and walking out the door.

i've been working out for about an hour now and decided it was time to finish. i sigh in exhaustion and grab my water and sip out of it. as i'm about to exit the door swings open.

it's nika.

she runs in out of breath and glances around till her gaze lands on me. she makes a face likes she contemplating something. finally she opens her mouth to say something.

"fuck it, i need you help like right now." she glances over her shoulder and steps forward. "please?" she whispers.

she looks desperate as hell but also hot asf. i nod my head and wait for her next move.

she smiles slightly at me and turns us to where my back to to the door and i'm covering her.

she tip toes a little to look over my shoulder. i'm guessing she sees someone cause she looks like a deer caught in head lights.

she looks back at me. "i need you to kiss me..." my eyes grow wide as i look down at this gorgeous woman in front of me.

"now?" i whisper and she nods her head quickly. "please sammy, i need you to kiss me..." she whispers pleading with me.

she steps closer and puts her arms around me neck. i sigh and give in. id do anything for this girl...a girl that hates me.

i set one hand on one of her hips and tangle the other in her hair pulling her close to me.

"are you sure?" i whisper look down at her lips then back at her eyes.

she's not making eye contact with me and keeps looking at my lips. "mhm" is all she mumbles and i pull her in to a gentle but sweet kiss.

she softly moans into the kiss which causes me to grip her hip tighter.

the kiss slowly becomes more aggressive and we're not fighting for dominance...she winning some how.

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