Part 5

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Samantha POV

It's been a month of me being their manager. Their first game is slowly approaching and i've never been more excited.

i've slowly became more comfortable with the whole basketball team and their coaches. they're hearing small comments from out of me not full blown conversations but small comments. other than that i'm writing what i want to say down.

we have about 3 days till their first game and coach geno is working their asses.

i'm walking into practice a little late today cause i had some homework to finish. "come on ladies! y'all are better than this working harder!" i hear geno yell as i'm walking in.

i wince cause i know they're all gonna be tired and in pain afterwards. i see them practicing with the UCONNs boys basketball team.

"samantha! thank god you're here! talk to them! please they're fucking up! aye everyone take a break go over by the board!" geno shouts and the girls sigh grabbing waters and walking over to the board.

i smile and walk over to geno. he hugs me and pats my back. "how're you doing today sam?" i smile at him. "good" he nods and points over at the girls.

"please please talk some sense into them!" he shakes my shoulders. i giggle and nod my head walking over to them.

i look around at all of them. i can tell they're tired cause usually when they see me they yell 'sam' and jump up to hug me.

well everyone except nika. that's besides the point.

i squat down infront of paige. she looks at me and pouts. "sammmm" she whines trying to hug me. 'ew no! you're sweaty move!' she whines more and flops back on the court.

i tap her making her look up at me. 'what's going on today? why're you guys slacking?' she sighs before sitting up. "we're nervous as hell. our first two games got cancelled and we're finally gonna have our first game and we don't know what to feel" she says.

i look around at the others and point at them. they all nod understanding that i meant. i sigh before standing up.

i grab a dry erase marker and start writing.

I know all of y'all are tired and nervous for the game coming up but y'all got this. i've sat here and watched y'all practice for months and i can tell y'all know what to do. it doesn't matter that your first two games were canceled. what matters is getting your head straight and worrying about helping your team when the time comes.

I stop and let them read that before erasing it and continuing on.

now stop getting into y'all's heads and just play the sport all of you truly love! so gets y'all's asses up and show geno y'all are ready to whoop ass!

i finish and turn to them. they read it and get up cheering! "y'all heard the manager let's go!" evina cheers out and they all jog back to the court.

i smile glad i got them up and hyped. I walk over to CD and she lets me know what I need to organize. I have to make sure that all the jersey numbers go to the correct person.

I'm also adding in the freshmen to the line up so everything is up to date. once i'm done i look up and see geno getting the girls on a huddle.

their first game is an away game and so i'm guessing he's talking to them about that. "are you ready for your first game as a manager?" CD walks over to ask. i smile and nod my head a little.

(i know it was a home game but i wanna make it interesting! ;)

yea just a little nervous that's all. "oh don't be! you'll do great! geno and i have seen how well you do, we believe that you'll do better than our previous ones. speaking of previous ones we have one coming back so you'll have someone to work with" i nod my head.

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