Part 21

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Samantha POV

It was the next day and i woke up with nika still here. okay so it's wasn't a dream, we actually made up.

i look at the time and realize that i need to be in class in like 30 minutes. i slowly get out of bed making sure not to wake nika up. i go hop in the shower for about 15 minutes since it doesn't take long for me to get dressed.

once i was done i walked out in a towel towards my closet. "this is a nice sight to wake up to" i hear behind me making me quickly turn around.

nika was up laying there staring at me. "cmere" she says and boy does her morning voice turn me on. i walk over as if i'm in a trance.

she sits up a little bit and runs her hand from the top of my chew to my stomach, and began to go even slower over my vagina.

i caught her hand before she could do anything else. she glanced up at me through her eyelashes and i almost folded. key word ALMOST!

she gets out of my hold and sits all the way up into her knees grabbing ahold of my waist pulling me in.

"it's been 4 days, 7 hours, and 15 minutes since i've been able to actually touch you sammy" she whispers still looking up at me through her eyelashes.

i gulp becoming nervous, even though i'm usually this nika i'm seeing rn is making me nervous as hell.

"i know i brought it upon myself but i just want to feel you" she yanks me even closer. i can feel my heart beating outta my chest at the speed of light and i don't know what to say.

i was too lost in my thoughts to even realize she tugged my towel off. i'm standing here naked blushing hard.

she runs her hand down my body again but this time i didn't stop her when she reached my vagina.

i close my eyes in pleasure as i feel her fingers graze over my clit. i had to grab her shoulder for support cause any second now my knees would give out.

she began to kiss along my collar bones and up my neck. and boy was it getting harder to breathe.

she dips one finger in me and i stifle a moan and grip her shoulder even more.

just when i thought she was gonna give me an orgasm she pulls her finger out and leans away.

i snap my eyes open and stare at this beautiful woman i call my girlfriend smirking at me. "you have 10 minutes till you need to be in class love, get dressed" she points to my closet still smirking at me.

this bitch, she egged me on knowing i'd want more just to pull away. "but-i
you'll get it later, right now you have class" i scowl but reluctantly get dressed.

now i'm sexually frustrated and she finds this shit funny. once i'm finished i walk over and peck her cheek before leaving. "be back around noon for y'all's practice! i love you!" i say while leaving.


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