Part 14

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Long chapter! ;)

Samantha POV

It was the next morning and i was slowly trying to slip out of bed to not wake nika up. i wanted to make breakfast for her.

i successfully get out of the bed and walk out the room. i make it to the living room and see the rest of the girls. shit, i forgot the others were also here.

i sigh and make my way to the kitchen and see what they have in the kitchen. i guess i would have to make everyone some breakfast.

that's okay i like making things for people. considering one of my love languages are acts of service.

they didn't have much but i ended up making cut up potatoes, eggs, and some sausage. they had orange juice so i got that out and filled the correct amount is cups with a few ice cubes.

once i was done i went around and woke everyone up once again. then i went to nika's room. she was still sound asleep.

i crawled into the bed and sat next to her and lightly rubbed her back. she groans and shuffles around a little before looking up at me. "hey sweetheart" she smiles and wraps her arms around my waist.

"how long have you been awake?" i continue to rub on her back slightly scratching it. "about 15-20 minutes not long but i made breakfast. so you gotta get up." she groans and gets up.

i smile at her and kiss her forehead. and walk out the door. i know nika has been wanting to take it slow for awhile but i was thinking about taking her on a date.

i want to take her to the beach. considering she's told me she has been to one here in connecticut yet.

after i leave the room i walk to the dinning area where everyone else is. i tap paige on the shoulder. 'can you talk for me? i'll sign you talk as i go?' she nods her head swallowing her food.

"hey guys sam needs to talk" she calls out getting everyone's attention. she nods at me signaling for me to go.

"i'm wanting to take nika on a date later on today." paige says as i sign.

"i need you guys to help me though" they all gush and squeal. "what're you thinking? we have an early practice today so we should be able to help out" evina says. i smile happy they're willing to help.

"yea what are you planning for my twin?" paige raises an eyebrow making me roll my eyes and begin signing again. "i want to take her to the beach and have like a picnic there. i think it'll be good since she has been to a beach here." they all nod understanding.

"okay how bout this evina and paige help distract her after practice while aubrey aaliyah and christyn help sam?" anna cuts in.

"uh-why aren't you helpin?!" aubrey says pointing her finger. anna rolls her eyes and pushing aubrey's finger away. "cause i'm hanging out with my girlfriend today" aubrey makes and o shape with her mouth.

i shake my head at how childish aubrey can be sometimes. "well everyone agree?" evina says to which everyone nods. i smile and was getting ready to sign something else when nika walks in.

"oooo food smells good. good morning everyone" she comes over and pecks my cheek. i smile and blush at her action.

"what time is practice today?" aaliyah asked from across the table. i check my calendar. '1' she looks down at her watch and her eyes go wide. "you guys we have like 30 minutes to get ready..."

it takes awhile for things to set in before everyone is up and trying to get out the door. i just laugh and shake my head. i turn to nika and lean down to hug her and peck her cheek.

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