Part 19

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Nika POV

It's been a a few days since that argument between sam and I. I try not to be jealous cause i know kimberly and her are just friends. It's hard not to whenever the girl looks at her so lovingly.

maybe i'm being the bad guy here. i haven't talked to samantha about my feelings again scared she's gonna think i'm crazy. so i haven't talked to her at all.

every practice, ignored her. every glance, made sure it was secret. every day, didn't make conversation. and yet i kept seeing her on campus with one person and one person only. kimberly.

i don't know what to do anymore. i mean i'm at fault for ignoring her and not talking but i'm not one to always talk about my feelings.

"nika muhl!" i hear someone yell from my dorm living room. i stay put in my bed not wanting to move.

i hear foot steps and then someone busting in my room. it was paige and she looked pissed...

uh oh what did i do?

"hi...?" i say confused. she narrows her eyes at me. "why tf are you ignoring samantha?" i gulp scared of this topic. "uh what do you mean?" she huffs and puts her hands up as if she wants to strangle me.

she sighs and calms down. "well nika, my best fucking friend has been crying every night since she met kimberly...

her eyes are always swollen and red and she has bags under her eyes like she gets no fucking sleep. oh! wanna know what i also noticed?! you're not around! so nika...

i'm gonna ask you one more time. why. are. you. ignoring. sam.?" i close my eyes feeling shitty for making her feel like that.

"she's that bad?" her eye twitches for a quick second. "nika...i swear to god i will strangle you right now if you don't answer my question.." she steps closer and i get scared.

"okay, okay. you're gonna be pissed either way so let's keep some distance please?" she shakes her head at me and i sigh knowing she's actually put her hands on me if she needs to.

"it's cause i'm jealous. i feel like kim doesn't like the fact that i'm dating sam and that she has feelings for her." paige's face drops and she slaps her forehead.

"nika you're so fucking dumb i swear. sam is head over heels in love with you and you not communicating with her is gonna break y'all apart." i pull at my hair stressed knowing she's right.

"she made adjustments for YOU! she barley talks to kim for YOU! and you're ignoring her. she just made a friend outside of the basketball team and she can barley talk or see her.

i know you're jealous but this is something else. so if you don't fix this right fucking now y'all will be over and she won't give you a second chance." i sigh and nod my head.

"she in her dorm?" she shakes her head and looks at the time on her phone. "she went to the mall. she'll be there for awhile so let's just go find her" i nod my head and hop up putting some shoes on.

we get to her car and she pulls off heading to the mall. "you know ever since we met kimberly we've been talking...?" i glance at her in disbelief.

"yall been talkin?" she nods her head and hands me her phone. it was open to some messages. i read the top and it said kimmy😉

"okay first ew. you're flirting is terrible." she rolls her eyes and rips the phone out my hand. "second i didn't know that, so i've been tripping for nothing?" she nods her head and glances at me.

"why didn't you talk to me? or evina?" i shake my head. "both of you would've told sam or slipped up and accidentally told sam. plus i was too scared to admit my feelings.

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