The Fallen Prodigy.

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"Long ago, in ancient China, an old and wise elephant ruled over Juniper City, a beautiful, safe and thriving place that was blessed by a dragon. He brought great joy, wealth and prosperity and went out of his way to fiercely protect and advocate for Nanzhou, an underground city with no leader of its own that once coexisted peacefully among Juniper City, until things had started to get increasingly bad between them and Juniper's assembly were heavily bent on discarding Nanzhou completely.

Therefore, the old elephant decided to abolish the very idea of one city being superior to the other and granted both Juniper City and Nanzhou the opportunity to strengthen their connection through the most respected art form in all of China; kung fu. His faith for the future was strong and so he encouraged his people, both above ground and underground, to embrace and accept the possibility of a new era taking place and that things were about to change for the better.

But his advisor, Qahira, was highly against it. She claimed that his impulsive decisions would lead to Juniper City's downfall and drastically change their legacy for the worse if he kept ignoring her foreboding, for his deep commitment to the people of Nanzhou, his negligence of Juniper City and his constant quarreling with the assembly had kept him from acknowledging the dangers that were starting to arise. But the elephant saw only darkness and bitterness in her heart and ignored her.

Sadly, not long after things have started to become better, the elephant passed away and it didn't take long for Qahira to take her place as the new ruler. With her holding all the power and using her newfound strength to her advantage, she brought prosperity and flourished Juniper City in any way she could in an attempt to equalize the balance between the two cities. And for a long time, all was well.

Until many years later, someone else had unexpectedly taken over. And soon, every connection from outside had been broken little by little, leading to Juniper City and Nanzhou getting both slowly forgotten and became isolated from the rest of the world. And in the end, there was only change for the worse."


The night was pitch black and the blood moon was at its highest peak, shining down upon the elephantine fortress sitting on top of the mountain. A tiny chameleon was standing at the center, staring up at the blood moon above while holding one of the most powerful artifact of the universe. The Staff of Wisdom, Oogway's staff.

With a sly and excited grin, she admired the staff in her hands as she spoke.

"At last. After so many years, I finally got it. The Staff of Wisdom. A relic more powerful than any that I've ever come across in my years of sorcery." glancing up at the sky, she hummed with satisfaction.

She watched her Komodo soldiers spread around with their spears and getting into stance. She twirled the staff in her hands and cackled.

"And now that I've gained access to the Spirit Realm, I'll unleash its power and all of its secrets will finally be mine!"

Scraping the staff against the floor, the engravings on the floor tiles got rooted out and floated around in the sky. They all morphed together as they formed a massive mound until a white-gold light appeared and shone brightly onto the Chameleon and everything else around her. She stopped twirling with the staff and gazed proudly at the portal of the Spirit Realm.

"And now, to bring back the most fearsome and indomitable kung fu master in history, also known as "He who escaped Chorh-Gom Prison with a Feather", "The First Master of the Thousand Scrolls of Kung Fu" and "The False Dragon Warrior"." She commanded loudly. "Bring me Tai Lung!"

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