When Waves Toss and Turn.

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"Love, would you be so kind and lower the mirror just a little bit?"

"Oh, but my back is already so sore, mistress."

Narong was kneeling a little too close to the floor as he held a tall golden mirror in front of the Chameleon, who was in the middle of admiring her reflection while experimenting with various types of poses with the staff.

The mirror was about to touch the floor, unable for Narong to lower it any further. The Chameleon grumbled as she rolled her eyes.

"Oh, shush. You're still well-formed and still in your prime, even though you can be a bit of a blot on my landscape. And I have to keep reaping it again and again from time to time."

Narong groaned, rubbing his lower back as the Chameleon's eyes soothed and cupped his cheek.

"For 20 years I have waited for this day. Everything must go according to what I always had in mind. Every single detail must be fleshed out perfectly, which is why I only trust you to both ask your opinion on what looks better and when I tell you, dear, to lower the mirror."

She tightly gripped Narong's crooked jaw as she strongly emphasized the word "mirror". Only letting him go when he flinched and frantically nodded after she unclasped her claws from him, obeying as he did what he was ordered and lowered the mirror until it touched the floor.

"Honestly, you need to listen when me and everyone else keeps telling you to not overdo your training routine. You barely stand straight up and you can hardly scratch your own tail." The Chameleon hummed, striking a pose that added perfectly with her power and ambition.

"You've made me clean Tai Lung's bloodbath and the bear's stinkin' rotten body. And I still don't know how you're going to solve our great lack of men, unless you manage to summon more of us." Narong rolled his eyes.

"Welcome, Dragon Warrior. Make yourself at home in my humble fortress." The Chameleon rehearsed, a loud clang sounded as she firmly drummed the end of the staff against the floor. And with one raise of her hand, every single candle in her room lit up.

"Yes! That is it, love."


"Once I start my ultimate transformation, all of China will bow before me." The Chameleon smiled, Narong nodded.

"They definitely will now."

"Say, why don't you return to your position back downstairs while I'll go and pay our prisoner a visit? He's been left isolated for a little too long and we can't have him drive into insanity already, especially since we still need him. All part of the plan." The Chameleon smiled broadly, pulling a loose thread off of her long wide sleeve as she exited her room.

With Narong going back to his station, the Chameleon moved frictionlessly down the hall that was brightened by rows and rows of torches. Arriving at the fortress's center, the rows of cages on the second and third floor were gone and only one row of cages remained on the first floor.

Inside the sixth cage on the left, Shifu clenched his small fingers tightly around the bars to keep himself up as his legs could not support his weight any longer. The red spots on his eyes clearly made his eye bags stand out, which had gotten even bigger and darker than before. His eyes were laid on the Chameleon for only a second, before looking away. His breathing was heavy and his head was benumbed and throbbed

"Ah, dear old Shifu. Why so melancholic?" The Chameleon mocked, plainly taunting him without mercy and continued when Shifu did not try to even acknowledge her presence.

"At least make an effort to see the bright sight of it all. When this is over, you will be reunited with all of your students and your beloved son too."

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