"Heartwarming" Reunions.

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Po groaned and grunted as he opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was total darkness. He immediately went to look for a source of light, but couldn't find one. He instantaneously spotted a dim, cool green glow out of the corner of his eye. He pushed himself up from the ground, his mind still blurry and foggy and carefully approached it.

As he came closer, he saw it was covered with a cloth and when he removed it, it revealed itself to be a crystal that flowed ever so brightly in the darkness. It nearly blinded him as he scanned his surroundings for Tigress and Zhen.

"Tigress!" Po called. "Zhen!"



Po whipped his head around upon hearing his name and insult being called.

"Tigress? Zhen? Where are you?!" Po shouted.

He shrieked when a firm hand was placed on his shoulder and almost instinctively hit the person. But luckily, he quickly realized it was only Tigress and Zhen holding hands in order not to get lost in the dark.

"Guys! Oh, I'm so glad to see you. What the heck just happened? Where are we?" Po instantly asked them, but Zhen had her eyes glued on the glowing crystal instead.

"More importantly, what is that?" She asked.

"I found it right over there. It's a crystal and the only source of light I could find." Po answered.

"Looks pretty dim to me." Zhen commented.

"At least we can see something with it." Tigress assured them.

"Oh, yeah? Like, what?" Zhen asked them, rotating her body with her arms in the air.

As she did so, she hit the back of her hand against a metal bar, making her yowl and pull her hand back.


"What the...?" Po gawped, slowly approaching the thing where the clanking sound came from.

"Careful, you're going to break something." Tigress told Zhen, rubbing her hand.

"It's fine. It's cool, I'm cool. It's fine." Zhen assured Tigress, pulling her hand back once more.

Upon closer inspection, Po discovered it was a cell they were in. Surprisingly, the gaps between the bars were pretty wide, wide enough for Po to stick his head through and scan his surroundings using the light that the crystal granted them.

On the far right, he saw something that looked like to be a long, dark rug, which supposedly served as a door. A golden, yellowish light broke through the tiny holes of the rug.

"Guys, I think we're in a cell. But there's an exit right there." Po whispered to them, pointing at the direction where the rug was hanging.

"Can you find the lock somewhere?" Zhen asked Po, holding Tigress's hand.

"It's... right over..." Po searched and searched for the lock, until he finally found it. "Here!"

"Great." Zhen smiled, taking off the jadeite piercing off her ear as she searched for the keyhole, but couldn't find one.

"Pudgy, I can't find the keyhole." Zhen said.

"Isn't there one?" Po asked back.

"No, there literally isn't a keyhole!" Zhen argued, putting her piercing back on her ear.

"Great." Po groaned. "And now what?"

"Hi-yah!" Tigress yelled, breaking down the door with a single claw-fist, causing Zhen to jolt.

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