Outfoxing the Fox.

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"Attention, mysterious figure!" Po yelled after he barged into the Hall of Warriors.

"Yeah, like shouting will make it come out." Daiyu commented as she and Po scanned the room while the others checked every other corner of the Jade Palace, both inside and outside.

Many artifacts had already gone missing and so they couldn't waste anymore time bickering with each other about their thief-catching tactics. As Po tried communicating with the thief to try and resolve things nicely, Daiyu kept her ears sharp and casually wandered around the palace while barely to almost making no sound, not even a peep.

"It's just a matter of time before we find you, so just come out nice and easy and we can work this out for all of us." Po tried convincingly, but no luck whatsoever.

"Okay, you leave us no choice but to-..."


Which was followed by a...


Po got startled at the cloaked fox just dropping on the floor right in front of him. Looking up ahead of the fox, Po spotted Daiyu catching her fan and securing it under her belt.

"I could hear it breathe right above us." Daiyu said casually.

The fox quickly got up as she held one of the artifacts she had stolen, in a rather threatening manner, cautiously watching the two of them.

"The Dagger of Deng Wa. You've got excellent taste, I'll give you that. But I can't give you that, now give it back." Po told the fox, to which the fox answered in a feminine voice that was rather screechy and irksome.

"If you insist." The fox raised the dagger in the air. Po was ready for it, expecting her to toss it at him.

But she turned around and threw it at Daiyu instead, which Daiyu casually caught by the handle like it was another day catching a children's leather ball, just a couple of inches to the right where it would have hit her in the head. The fox's eyes widened in shock as Daiyu twirled the dagger between her fingers and put it back down on the display.

"Normally, we handle sharp objects a bit more safely rather than throwing them at other people, but thanks for giving it back though." Daiyu thanked the fox sarcastically. "I would've been impressed if it weren't for your poor aim."

Po twirled his staff one more time and took a stance.


"Oh, no!" The fox mocked. "He's got a walking stick. What're you gonna do? Stroll me to death?"

"This stick is not for the strolling. It's the Staff of Wisdom." Po spoke.

"The Dragon Warrior is gonna be mad when he finds out you took his stick." The fox smirked, despite the scarf covering half her face.

"Honey, he is the Dragon Warrior." Daiyu answered for Po as the fox could only be dumbfounded and stand there, before replying.

"I'm just gonna say it, since I can't really blame you for your lack of sight. Nothing about him says "dragon" or "warrior". Just telling you."

"Muah. I can't exactly blame you either, kid." Daiyu shrugged her shoulders. "Looks like these can be pretty deceiving... to small-minded urban folks like you anyway."

"Okay, no more messing around!" Po let out a battle cry as he charged at the fox thief, leaving Daiyu facepalming herself and leaning against the column with her arms crossed.

Daiyu watched Po trying to handle the fox like it was a show for her. After only a couple of seconds, the fox's hood slid off as her face was now revealed. A grey fox with black eye marks and a jadeite piercing on her right ear. It didn't do much for Daiyu, but at least the fox would be recognizable for her friends.

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