Chapter 8

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Manabu Horikita is really stingy.
After the so-called lecture, he turned around and left without giving anyone a single chance to refuse.
It's just that even though he left, but Horikita's sister is still there.
Everyone in the class saw the aloof Horikita, but now Hachiman saw her, squatting on the edge of the small flower garden next to the vending machine after her brother left.

Feeling extremely disappointed. But sitting there, with the knees of her legs tightly closed, he could only see the black stockings and nothing else.
Of course, Hachiman didn't mean to go see anything further. Just a nice observation.
He just felt that Horikita was still very ladylike even though she was in a really bad mood.

"Boom!" Because there is a vending machine here, Hachiman spent 200 points to buy a bottle of tomato juice.

Then he handed it to this pitiful girl.
"..." Suzune. "How much?"

'Wow. This person, she really has no friends!

Hachiman now somewhat understood her brother's feelings. It was very dangerous for this sister to be assigned to Class D, and it would be more violating if she was expelled like this, into society.

Manabu had to study in a closed school, so he could no longer pay attention to his sister.

Instead of doing this, it's better to put her where he can monitor her actions.

"Your brother has a very strong attitude," So, Hachiman also started lecturing her, "But I think it's better for you to listen to him in some areas."

"You want me to get close to you and then look for your weaknesses?" Suzune asked with a weird look on her face.

"..." 'Of course, it's not that, you idiot?!'

'Although it is a good thing to have the attention of beautiful girls, both you and Kushida are dangerous people'
Hachiman didn't want to get into any kind of trouble.
"According to the president, your biggest problem is probably due to communication." Just guide her a little and his part-time job will be over.

"You obviously have strength, but can't cooperate with others. A person's strength is limited, but if you learn to work together, you can gain more power."
"So, is there anything wrong with being alone?" Suzune couldn't help but ask this question. 'Why do I need to change? Wasn't the motto, to love yourself and not change for anyone?'

'Is it wrong to be alone?' She was really confused. Suzune doesn't think it's her fault to not pay attention to any kind of people.

"..." This topic also made Hachiman silent for a moment. Because. 'Is it really that bad to be alone?'

Really strong people don't live in groups.

'Lonely people are always opposed to everything in this world' Only weak people like to form a group.

And the problem is that most people are weak. So, this theory probably doesn't work for Horikita Suzune.

Because she is not a strong person.

'How much money is taken from people and how much labor is paid?'

This is Hachiman's rule. He had already seen his father working like a complete beast!
Therefore, Horikita's brother only paid a price of 100,000, so he could only ask Hachiman to arrange for his sister to return to the dormitory, and he went to the railing which was not very far away.


Yesterday, Chabashira-sensei made an appointment with him, and then she waited alone at the railing for a while.

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