Chapter 77

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So, the proud Sakayanagi just ordered yam pork ribs soup for Hikigaya-kun, which was going to be paired with Horikita's bento, making it a wonderful, youth experience for him.

Only, it was ruined the moment, Hachiman took his first sip...“Since you sucked my milk" It was Sakayanagi, who was playing the role of villain this time, “You have to grant me one wish...”

'Sure enough, it's really hard to get free stuff from this girl...'
"What do you want to ask? Or..." Hachiman stopped and, put down his cup on the table, before opening his mouth, "What do you want to complain about?"

'....Yeah, I'm already used to listen other people's trash talk at this point....First, it was Horikita, then her brother, who complained about Ryuen, and now....'

"You are still so sharp." Sakayanagi was impressed, that Hikigaya-kun really understands her, "It's true that I can't hide it from you."
"Today is the 1st, and, According to the rules of m-ahem!” Only, when she was about to expose her noble life, and directly tell the opponent about being the holder of this school, Sakayanagi pretended to clear her throat loudly to cover this up, “Gomen, I was talking, about how the special exam wasn't revealed today, which caused people to think, it has been modified....but in reality, the weather outside is not go-

“.....” Hachiman, who already knew that.... his opponent's relative is the guy, with the highest authority of ANHS. 'Should, I tell her.... there's no need to hide this right,?'

But, then his gaze, also went towards another girl, who was sitting quietly inside this private room, Kamuro-san.

'That's probably it....' Hachiman concluded in his mind, and chose to respect Sakayanagi's decision, he kept his mouth shut.

“Yeah, it must be quite terrifying for a weak girl like you....” Only, a low voice was heard.

“Hmm? Did you say anything Kamuro-san?” Sakayanagi, who saw her pet's lips moving, but she didn't hear, what was said, as they were sitting quite away from each other....besides, she was very busy in releasing, the pressure inside her heart.

“What? Are you talking to me?” Only, Kamuro-san, didn't want to get bullied, and chose the best path, she had right now.

Just throw the pot back!

Kamuro-san's now trying her best to look innocent, and make Sakayanagi think, she wasn't paying attention, fooling the owner.

“.....” Hachiman, who heard every single word, this girl just said...Only, when he turned his head to look in her direction, he just felt terror.

Kamuro-san, was glaring at him fiercely, and her was being stabbed, which looked quite painful.

That's why, Hachiman didn't dare to open his mouth, and even stopped cutting the yam, that was just waiting to be gulped down.

Clap! Clap!

A sound was heard, and the origin, it was Sakayanagi, who clapped her hands lightly, “Hikigaya-kun, please pay attention, otherwise I will be forced to split the bill....” she, threatened the boy, while pointing her finger at his soup, and smiled.

And immediately, Hachiman's back, has become much straighter than previously, and his eyes piercing Sakayanagi's uniform naked, the girl in question also nodded her head, after seeing this response, “Then, it will be more dangerous at sea, and there are chances of having problems while taking.....such an expensive liner, to an uninhabited island for exams.”

“I thought, you should know about this....” Indeed, Sakayanagi, who is rumoured around the whole campus, is a rich lolita, considers herself quite a generous person, and directly gave away this intel, “My little puppy, Kamuro-san, has seen, the angel of your class, throwing her body on some 3rd year students, these da-”

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