Ch 148 - Pervert Hirata-kun

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“....I will just go, and look inside my bag for a moment....”

“Hey, you can't leave Kei-chan crying like this!”

“No, Kushida-san is right! I can't live in the same place with boys at all!”

“ can also use Kushida-chan.”

“Hey, is that so?.... But, I still don't trust boys of our class!”

At this time, Karuizawa had already come out of the tent, but her eyes were red and swollen, she looked like had been crying for a while.

In addition to her, Kushida and Sato also walked out of the tent.

Only, Suzune is the girl who is frowning the most.

'Even though I have never witnessed this kind of thing, it feels really disgusted to be roped into with people like Yamauchi.  So, I just kept frowning...'

Hachiman glanced at Ibuki, who quietly sat in the corner without saying a word, but occasionally looked this way.

“You're right, I can't stay in the same place as this Yamauchi!”

When saw Karuizawa-san coming out, she also gave voice to her opinion.

“This girl is right, you boy's!”

“Move out of your tents!”

“I am definitely going to set boundaries!”

At this time, a girl named Hasebe Haruka also spoke up. 'I always take leave during swimming classes...'

But, Hachiman could tell that she didn't take leave because of feeling unwell, but probably didn't want to wear the school swimsuit.

Reason, she was at the top of the ranking list of the Yamauchi's melon organization when she entered school.

'Although boys like big ones, for some girls, may find it bothersome if the chest is too violent, and shake every time....'

So, maybe she just doesn't like boys looking at her.

And now, when she had the golden opportunity to not camp with the boys, naturally struck up a loud conversation.

If this continues, male-female antagonism will arise and the class will just deteriorate.

Although it is beneficial for Ibuki to obtain information about the team leader, not conducive for the unity of the class.

Hachiman knew his class was really vulnerable to death.

The cohesion basically relies on two people, Hirata and Kushida.

And, it's not like these 2 are free without any danger of exploding.

'So, if I don't handle it well now, will cause serious consequences, and even disobey orders in the future.'

There's also a damn special exam going on.

“Although, it is true..... some of our classmates did a very bad thing.”

Hachiman chose to step forward at this time, diffuse Class C's problem before it ruined even more.

“But, is it really okay to dent all boys like this? Or do you think your Hirata-kun is also a pervert and can't believe his motives?”

~Hehe~Decided to crawl into girl's hearts.

Hirata is everyone’s angel. Boys and girls, equally trust his face.

That girl who once talked with Sakura with her extroverted nature, rapid mouth is also shaken for a bit now.

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