Ch 120 - Toilet Problem

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We are People of Class C, and like to stay on the beach.

Very noisy. To be precise, it seemed like there was a quarrel.

For example, on the ship, Hirata wanted to help Yukimura, but now....he directly launched a RPG on this angel.

'Is this how you repay the favour?'

“Hirata, these creatures are girls who like to be emotional, you can't just accept all their demands!”

“What did you say about us?!” Ugly looking NPC girl, found herself being targeted.

“Listen to me, Hirata. This exam is once in a lifetime bliss, 300 points can be saved!”

“Glass is right! We can get an extra pocket next month, therefore you must listen!”

“This kind of foolish request cannot be accepted by NPC's!”

“Don't include me with you, I also want a toilet!”

This statement caused Yukimura to directly glare at her, "What's wrong with you just using the temporary toilet? Look, even Sudo has no problem with it!”

“Don't try to look so important, just because you taught Ayanokoji-kun!”

“That group was even disbanded a long ago!”

“Yeah, can't even score a 100 in maths!”

“Shame on Yukimura-kun!”

“W-what nonsense is this?! And, who is even Ayanokoji?!”

“Look, I had enough of this guy, now!”

“Yeah, don't look so confused!”

“I can't accept a toilet, used by Sudo-kun!" Random girls, led by Karuizawa, expressed their strong rejection, and ridiculed Yukimura to death.

"Me too!" Shinohara, a pig-type girl of Class C, also yelled now.

“I'll really die inside!" Some girls who didn't even have a word for months, also grabbed this chance, and showed huge resistance.

“.....” Hachiman, who just came after working like a horse.

Cardboard toilet?

It can be seen that Chabashira-sensei is no longer at her original position...there are numerous supplies behind Hirata, including tents, matches, cream etc.

These are provided by the school for free.

So, what about these Cardboard toilets? Paper shell.

Use boxes and plastic bag films as shields, then your excrement into the bag.

Chemicals are placed inside, which will be quickly solidified, thereby reducing the odor, won't cause any nausea.

Only, this is equivalent to diapers, also reusable.

But, School isn't that awesome...You will just get 1 toilet, and a whole class of 40 people make turns for using it?

No wonder, It was torture.

So, Hachiman hesitantly decided to peek, he found Sudo holding both palms over his belly, “Fuck, I will come again quickly!”

Then, he quickly walked towards the toilet, closed the door, a loud noise echoed, leaving every single person dumbfounded.

His classmates gave subtle glances, towards the handle.

'It seemed that girls were a little disgusted....'

Just began to bombard Hirata with an even stronger attitude, very odd.

Only, Hachiman already understood that people of his Class were just happily discussing (quarreling) about whether to use the original 300 points to buy a toilet.

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