Chapter 27

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And the other side.

Masumi Kamuro, who succeeded in running away, returned to the student dormitory.

After putting her things down and thinking for a moment, she turned and headed to Sakayanagi's dormitory which is next door to hers.
Just like a bad fate. At that time, Kamuro-san just thought that the person next door was not in good health and that she must be living a hard life.

'I didn't expect it to turn into such a relationship' It becomes very hard for her instead.

She also had to complete various errands and do troublesome things.
'So I shouldn't sympathize with Sakayanagi Arisu from the beginning!'
In the corridor of the student apartment, Kamuro took out her key card and scanned the machine on the door, then turned the door handle with a click and walked in.
"Ara, you came earlier than scheduled." Sakayanagi was in the room.
This petite, cute and frail girl with silver-white middle hair was sitting on the edge of the bed with a cane.

She looked at the door and said with a smile, "Kamuro-san. Are you so looking forward to being ordered by me?"

"Don't be silly!" Kamuro-san immediately complained, she didn't like this rhetoric,"I have a day off this afternoon."

"Oh." 'Are you still obedient? Give you a vacation, and you really want to have fun'....But Sakayanagi obviously wouldn't say such a thing.
It's just that Kamuro-san is an M, and even though she is reluctant, she still completes her orders honestly.

'But she won't come in front of me unless I order her.... so if she's here now, it must be because something happened or she did bad things again?'

"I got a good thing today." Kamuro said, with some excitement on her face. She really likes doing unethical things.

Sakayanagi glanced at her in wariness, but still said calmly. "What did you steal again?"

"What do you mean again?!" Kamuro said immediately, she was really dissatisfied with her owner,"I only stole once when I came to this school, and then you caught me, that was simply a shame for me!"

"Oh" But the girl in front of her seemed quite calm. 'Because these words of Kamuro-san... can only be heard as lies.....
This girl named, Kamuro Masumi comes from a good family environment. Her father is a painter and her mother is a violinist.

Learning to paint since she was a child. However, it is not so comfortable to have a family that is envied by outsiders.

She is under a lot of pressure. Coming from an excellent father, there is also the problem of his own bottleneck.
Frequent pressure explosions. At this time, she found a way to deal with her emotions.

That's stealing.

Kleptomania is not about stealing things, but about enjoying the feeling of immorality.
She would put things back after she stole them.

So, Kamuro-san actually has a problem inside. But this is her own secret, no one knows.
'As a result, when I came to this
school....I just couldn't hold it back.' Just like any other horny teenager, who wanted to relieve some tension, by moving their hands.

Rather, it is indeed unbearable to come to a campus where so many students look forward to it and not do something.
Then she stole a bottle of beer from the convenience store but immediately caught by Sakayanagi Arisu. It was really a horrible day.
And then it became like this. Being coerced by the other party. But Sakayanagi doesn't think so.

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