Ch 126 - Price of Ryuen

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Ryuen thought of the best solution for this exam.

1. When my class secured the guarantee first, trade our 300 S points with other classes for Living expenses every month.

After all, just staying here will force Ryuen to buy daily, so it's much better to use points in exchange for cash.

2. Continue the exam of occupying strongholds and Guessing the Leader.

“You have a deal,” Ryuen offered his right palm towards Katsuragi to close the document, “I will arrange for my people to spy on the leaders of other classes.”


“After hard proof is obtained, give me the Names,” Katsuragi also followed out the action of Ryuen, clasping the right hand with his own.

“Got it”

“You provide our Class A with supplies worth 200 S points, and I will wire you a total of 400,000 Private points every month until graduation."

'Katsuragi-san is really badass!' Yahiko's eyes are even sparkling at this point, he seemed to have witnessed quite an incredible moment.

According to Katsuragi's calculations.

Sakayanagi didn't come to Class A, our food and water consumed by the 39 people for 7 days would be exchanged for points.

In a week, it takes about 140.

There are also other facilities, such as tents, showers, toilets etc....yeah, we don't come free.

Just to be sure, 200 points is enough.

No more is required.

'Although if I trade with Ryuen for 300 points, I can spend all the S points of Class D.....'

What Katsuragi has to sacrifice is just Private points, but he can cause Ryuen's own to lose their 300 S points.

And, when the scores are finally going to be compiled on the 7th day, Ryuen will definitely be in last place.

However, the evaluation score of Class D is already 0 points, they are not the ones to be wary of.

Therefore, being able to consume even 200 points of Ryuen is already a powerful blow.

'No need to spend extra money of my own class....'

For Class A, there are two ways to maintain our status.

First, Make Class points so high, that it makes students feel despair, just crush their hopes altogether.

Second, Let opponents fall down.

Therefore, it would be beneficial to Class A if Ryuen's class fails to advance in this exam.

So, Katsuragi doesn't see value of buying 300 points for something that can be done for 200.

Especially, after failing once in the exam....

Katsuragi had obviously arranged for his yellow minions to contact the 2nd and 3rd graders, got data about a small Deserted island exam... but he failed to show his advantage.

The agreement signed with Ryuen was for the whole class, so it also included students backing him up and those who did not.

Therefore, the price must be spent wisely.

Paying more will only make students feel unhappy.

And, Katsuragi didn't want to leave a single error behind, just for Sakayanagi to exploit in the future.

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