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7 am. I hop out of bed and pull some clothes on and head throught the door. I meet up with Chase and we walk to school. When suddenly I bump into Michelle.

"Haha. Look who's here. My ex-friend and my ex-boyfriend together. How funny. You both are unwanted and you guys end up together. No wonder" Her eyes gleamed with satisfaction. Ex-boyfriend? What? I don't understand. I snap out of worrying mode and stand tall. I don't want to her to see me squirm.

"Ex? You're the unwanted one here. Matter of fact at the party last weekend you wanted to crawl back with your me, your ex-friend because you had no other friends. I believe you have a lot of fricken ex- friends AND boyfriends. You know why? You're a bitch." I spat at her. The last words were heard by Mrs. Ursofalk. "YOU THREE. IN MY OFFICE RIGHT NOW."

I hold onto Chasen's arm. We explained what happened and Ursofalk wants me to apologise to Michelle. "I'm so sorry Michelle-. I was cut off. "See? Be friends." Mrs Ursofalk says. "I'm sorry Michelle that you're a stuck-up, spoilt brat!" And I pushed the door open and ran. Chase follows behind. "Sums! Wait." He calls desperately. I turn around, tears brimmed my eyes. "You're crying babe." He says. "Lachlan slept with me. I was drunk and I slept in his bed. And he. He. He." I didn't finish the sentence. A hurt expression floated onto Chase's face. "I thought so." I cried and ran. He ran so I ran. I ran faster and he ran faster. "Chase! Don't you get it? I didn't tell you this." I said all choked up. "I don't care." He said as he held my hand and rubbed my cheek. "I still love you. We're meant for each other." He points out. I hug him and cry. His shirt becomes soaked up as he quiets me.

"But I'm still pissed off with Lachlan. What a wormbush. I'll kill him" he said angrily. This time I didn't stop him. I was with the one I loved. But I still didn't understand why he never told me his ex? "Hun? How many exes do you have?" I ask chokily. "Uh. Why do you ask? Um? 28." He said looking at the ground. "What'd you do with them?" I snapped. "We. We. We had grand times a lot." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "But. You're the one that I want to be with." He purrs. "Chase? How would you feel if I was your first but I know you weren't my first." I snapped. He looked hurt. "Chase. Chase. Chase I'm sorry" I soothe. He kisses me and I hug him tightly. I never. Ever. Ever. Want to lose him. Ever

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