I'm Right Here

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I wake up without Nate by my side. "Nate?" I whimper alarmingly. "Right here sweetie! Just making some breakfast. Stay there!" He hollers from my mini kitchen in my room. "Kay, Hun!" I smile as he comes in with two plates of waffles and wild berries. "Yummy! Here you go boo! Later we'll go with Evan and Michelle and Richelle and Lachlan to the Amusement parks. It's gonna be awesome!" He chirps as he gobbles down his food. "Thanks babe! It tasted delicious! Now what should I wear? And what shall you wear?" I say meekly.

He shrugs and I throw some clothes onto him. White plain tshirt with a leather motorbike jacket and some blues washed jeans. I wear a black velvet crop top with some golden high waisted shorts. "Boom baby! Come on let's go." Nate says astoundingly as his arm snakes around my waist. We arrive at Disneyland and we see Michelle and Evan cuddling. Wow, who knew Michelle would go for a nerd? Then we see Richelle and Lachlan laughing and having a good time. "Let's go on the green lantern one!" Michelle giggles as Evan kisses her cheek.

"I'm scared!" I whimper. "Don't worry I'm right here!" Nate chuckles as hugs me. "ARRGHHHHHH... WOOHOOOO." the ride ends and we hop off. "Candy floss?" Nate asks me. I nod and we both buy one for everyone. "Evan was turning as green as my candy floss!" Lachlan teases Evan. "Shut up! It was the green lantern? What do you expect?" Evan fights back. Just then my shoulder hits someone. "Leah?" I say as my eyes dart to her hurt face. "Leah? I'm so sorry! Will you forgive me?" I cry and everyone holds their breath for me.

"Summer? I missed you-. No, I won't forgive you, you bitch!" she yells as her nails dig into my cheeks. "Leah? How could you?" I said as my eyes filled up. "Oh, Summer! I didn't mean that! I really didn't!" Leah pleads. "I hate you Leah! I try and bury the hatchet and you just slap me! Save your apology, slut!" I yell back! She looks hurt but I don't care. I stick a finger into the air and pull Nate away. Just then, my anger fades away and I feel guilt. " I can't believe myself! Urgh! I hate myself!" I sigh angrily. "Baby, just let her go. You've got us!" He says as rubs my shoulder.

I smile and we head home. I flop onto my bed and Nate follows me. "Thanks for the amazing day! I really loved today." I smile fortunately. "I'm glad you did. Oh, by the way Summer can I ask you something? Will you be mine forever?" He asked. I nodded and we both hugged. We hopped into bed together and that was the night we promised each other will will be each other's. That night was when we shared our love to each other.

I woke up with Nate by my side. I squeezed his nose and his eyelids opened slowly. I closed my eyes and he yawned tiredly. Haha! He doesn't know I woke him up. Just then two think fingers pinch my sides and I let out a pierced squeal! "That was mean!" I wailed as he smiled cheekily at me. "Not as mean as what you did to me!" He teased playfully. "Hey, sleeping beauty? Thanks for everything. Especially last night." I sighed happily. "I love you boo boo!" He sighed weakly.

I held his hand tightly and we both get up. "Hey boo? Can we go visit Emily and Alex today?" I hum. He nods and I pick a bouquet on the way there. We kneel down on the grass and we clean their stones. I place the bouquet down. "Your wedding bouquet that you dreamt of yet you can never have. I love you guys." I say shakily as I hug the graves.

Then my phone rings.
Me: hallo?
Michelle: babe? Your graduation day is today! H-e-l-l-o
Me: argh crap! I'll be there!
I end the phone call and tell Nate to tell my parents. He calls them and we start driving to Emerson College. I fix up my hair and walk to the stage. The crowd breaks into cheers and I run down happily. I'm finally a doctor, just like Nate! I run up to him and he swings me around and around. "Congrats babe! Woohoo! We'll both be doctors now! I love you soo much you know?" He chuckles as he showers me in kisses.

My mum and dad hug me tightly and we go to dinner. "Soo we haven't properly met Nate yet? So can we go to Thai Express and meet him there?" My parents ask. Nate stiffens and I answer for him. I comb back his hair and we head to the restaurant. My parents buzz him with a lot of questions and he answers them with no hesitation. After dinner we head into Kreamy Krunchies and we each grab an ice cream cone.

"One day you'll be mine, Summer Mia Gracie. You will!" He smiles. "I know, you will be too." I smile. My fingers grab onto his and we head around everywhere and take pictures everywhere. They were crappy pictures but I was glad they were.

Because we couldn't squeeze our love into a moment.

2 more chapters of take my heart left!

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