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I slam the door in front of Hudson's face and try and talk to Nate. ''Nate! He's not my boyfriend! Don't you believe me?" I yell. Nate's eyes gleam at me.

"Summer! He stares at you like he loves you! Do I really have to say anymore? I don't but I will! You and Lachlan were in bed together! It mightn't have happened deliberately but what about the next?'' He yells angrily. Tears gleamed in my eyes. His eyes go sad and then angry again. By now, Richelle, Lachlan, Michelle and Evan are downstairs. "Hudson is not my boyfriend! End of conversation!" I sob. "Oh yeah? End of relationship!" He yells as he slams his jacket onto the floor.

"NATE! SUMMER IS TELLING THE TRUTH. I'M HER BEST FRIEND, I'LL KNOW IF SHE DATES HIM. SHE DOESN'T!" Michelle cries. "Leave it Mish. He's right I don't deserve him." I sob. They help me up and the guys go into Evan's room. "I just can't believe him! He believes Hudson instead of his girlfriend!" I vent. Michelle and Richelle both hug and calm me down.

"He'll come back and apologise. He jumped to conclusions." Richelle assured. My eyes glistened doubtfully. "Are you sure? In time for prom? I don't think so! I'm going to be a loner!" I cry. "Doesn't mean you can't get a dress!'' Michelle giggles happily. I force a smile. ''You're right! Let's go in the Lamborghini!" I chuckle but all I can think of is Nate's gleaming eyes.

We head into Sheike and try on some dresses. I come across a mint green dress that is floor length and has twists around my neck. It fits perfectly. I buy Michelle's, Richelle's and my dress. "Thanks so much, Summer!" Michelle and Richelle chirp. "No problemo!" I giggle but I suddenly feel like someone is watching us. I shake my head, I must be imagining. We head into the nail design store and all get acrylics, but i still have a feeling someone is following me. We walk into Myers and get strappy high heels and head home. I can feel their breath on my spine but when I turn away, no one is there. I must be having lack of sleep.

When we arrive home, my head instantly flops onto the bed. Richelle and Michelle tumble onto me. We watch a chick flick and all go to bed.
We head to school together and Nate looks at me. My eyes gleam at him sadly and he looks at me guiltily. But in a split second, he turns angry again. I see him ask another girl in front of me. "Hey Jane? Will you go with me to prom?" He asks. "Oh yeah. Can you pick me up?" Jane asks, he nods and they both start talking. This was too much for me.

I run outside and start crying. Big tears roll down my cheeks. I turn around and Nate sees me. Part of him wants to comfort me and part of him wants to forget me. This makes me cry even more. I start running and the corner of my eye sees him coming.

"Summer! Wait!" Nate yells. "Wait? Wait for what? For you to drop your bombshell again?!!" I scream. "Summer, don't." He pleads. "Don't what? What more do you have to say to me! You don't even trust your own girlfriend! I hate you Nate! Do you hear me? I HATE YOU!" I scream angrily. He tries to hold my hand and I flinch. "DON'T TOUCH ME." I scream angrily.

I run past the dance hall and someone stuffs a white cloth into my mouth making me black out. I opened my eyes weakly and see a figure. "Well. Well. Well. If it isn't my brother's little ex girlfriend." A voice chuckles. My head moves instantly and sees Hudson. "Hudson? What are you doing here?" I question. "Well, ever since my brother died. I came to get back at you. But, I'm still thinking of what I should do to you. By the way, you've got a nice body. I think I know what I'm gonna do now." He chuckles looking at me up and down. He walks up to me and grabs me from the back.

He rips my shirt off and grabs my hair. He bites my bottom lip and pulls a rope from behind. He ties both of my wrists onto a study chair and wraps a black bandana in my mouth. "You know, Nate breaking up with you was part of my plan. I knew he'd believe me." He slurs. Just then I hear a clump of footsteps come.

Hudson grabs a dagger and places it on my neck. Just then, Nate enters the room. "Come any closer, and your ex girlfriend will get it." Hudson laughs. His knife tingling my neck. Nate steps closer and I feel the dagger dipping into my skin and the blood on my palm. "Okay! Okay! I won't move." Nate says as he backs away. "Good! Now you do what I say and everything will turn out beautiful. Nate! Stand in the corner over there." Hudson bosses. Nate obeys him and starts walking.

Hudson follows him with his pistol and I grab my nail filer from my pocket and escape from the rope. Hudson walks right up to him and puts the gun onto Nate's head forcing him to crouch. He clicks the pistol and the sound of a gunshot is heard. I shut my eyes in disbelief, I was too late. "Summer? are you alright." I hear a voice holler. Nate? "Yeah I'm alright." I holler back. Nate runs up to me and grabs my hand and we both start running. "Shouldn't we check? I mean he could've faked it." I reason. "Don't need to. He's dead." Nate says. Wait why am I talking to him?

"Summer. Summer I'm so sorry. I was wrong. I love you and I shouldn't have yelled at you. Please Summer, I'm begging you." He pleads. "Who said we weren't together. You will always be mine, you were just going to blow our relationship over the douchebag over there!" I chuckled. He hugged me tightly and we both walked home. My neck was really hurting right now and I felt tired. I touched the left side of my neck and there was a shallow wound.

"Nate? It hurts a lot. It really does." I groan. "Where baby? Ooo, it's kinda shallow but it's quite bloody. Let's get you cleaned up. Come on!" He says as his fingers interwine into mine. I smile up to him and we head to my house. I call my house doctor and he gets me cleaned up. He scuttles away and Nate and I are left alone.

"I love you babe. I'm serious." And he nibbles my neck softly. "I love you too. Orhh!" I yawn as I rub my eyes. "I heard my shoulder is really comfy." Nate sniggers. "Who said that?" I laugh as I kick his thigh. "My five year old sister Tracie loves sleeping on my shoulder. Take her advice." He chuckles. I lean onto his shoulder and it's warm and gentle just like him. I snuggle onto him and start dreaming.

"Please welcome the bride Summer Mia Gracie ! No without further a due, we will now start the ceremony of love for Nate Lincolns and Summer Marie. If anyone objects please says so now." The priest recites. Just then a man in a black hoodie walks in. "I object." Hudson sniggers as he clocks his gun. He points it at me and Leah dodges it for me. BAM! The sound of a gunshot lingers in my head.
"LEAH. LEAH. LEAH!! Come Back!" I scream. "Shh. Baby girl, you just had a nightmare. Don't worry, nothing happened! You're fine with me." Nate whispers as his arms wrap closer around me. I smile weakly at him. I really loved him. I tried to push the nightmare to the back of my mind but I can't.

What if its true?

Hey guys! Sorry about the late chapter!! I will needing this book in 4 chapters! Don't worry there'll be more! There will the next book Lost Memory which will be a follow up.

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