A Hiccup

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This morning I woke up sick. I felt like vomiting and I suddenly had the urge to crave food. No way. Could I be pregnant? I stare at my belly in the mirror. It was bigger. Oh my god. I rushed to the doctors and he said I was. I fought back my tears and ran. Ran to Chasen and told him. His anger flared up but he told me we'll get through it. I tried to to smile but I couldn't. I went home and grabbed a small knife. I stared at my belly and stared at the knife. I stared at a photograph of Lachlan, Leah and I. It lead to me thinking of me causing this.

I can't live in this world and be happy. I needed to leave. I grabbed the knife, slicing my wrist. The blue veins splashed in my face. I collapsed onto my carpet. I never woke up. Until Chase came in. He rushed me to the hospital and donated some of his blood to me. I knew he would do anything for me. Anything. I opened my eyes groggily to see Chase in the other bed asleep. I saw a big needle inside his arms and blood was connecting from his to mine."Heya Sums. Why'd you do that for?" He asked sadly but then he remembers.

His hand locks into mine and he kisses me on the cheek. "This has to stop now." He said seriously. I nodded and fell back to sleep. Even though my eyes were closed I saw him smile. Leah walks in with a bunch of roses. "Sums! Are you okay?" I nod sleepily, but Chase tells her too keep quiet as I was sleeping. Tears leaked out of my closed eyes. Fifteen years together and I'm about to flush fifteen years of trust down the toilet.

I heard Leah talk with Chase and she comes back and hugs me. I couldn't take it anymore. When Chase drives me home he holds my hand. "Don't you ever. Ever. Ever do it again." He cried. I nodded sadly. "Are you going to tell Leah?" He said changing the subject. I shook my head and stared at my stomach. I couldn't feel a heart beat it was dead. I told Chase and he turned his car around to the hospital. Turns out it WAS dead and I was supposed to be preparing for theatre. He pecked me on the cheek and I was rolled to another room. I was knocked out.

I came back looking at Lachlan, Chasen and Leah. They all seemed sad but tried to be happy. I smiled weakly and they laughed and waved. I giggled. But they didn't know I was pregnant, Chase had told them it was for my appendix. They plopped flowers on my bed and followed me. "Chase? Can you go get me some hospital food?" I asked weakly. He looked shocked. "Who eats hospital food? Lemme go to O's and get you a chicken salad?" He laughed, I nodded and he ran to the cafe.

I saw Lachlan looking at his phone and smiling, and Leah looking at the ground. They looked worn and torn. I squirmed, Lachlan was cheating on my best friend! Two people are hurting her! I. I feel guilty. Suddenly Lachlan slaps her, I'm shocked. Tears gleamed in her eyes, then I figure it out, Lachlan is trying to do what Chase done to him. Leah stared at him and ran through the door.

Chase walks in and sees Leah running. His chicken salad and juice nearly tips over. He gives me a what the hell look. I tell him everything and he's about to march up to Lachlan. "Chase. It's a hospital. Don't" I pleaded. He nods and eats his corn dog while I eat my salad. I fall asleep afterwards and he has to leave. When he leaves I perch up from my bed and disconnect all the needles. I start to run in my hospital gown. I go past Hershey's street and I see my house in sight. But then, flashing lights hit me in the rib. The cold icy road spreads around my body. I can't feel my legs!

I want Leah, Chase! Where are you?

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