Last Destination

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*hey guys! Chapter twelve is here! Sorry about the wait, school got in the way. Shout outs to StarDreams8 and midnightsparkling!
BOTW: Teared Apart by StarDreams8 #fabulous #simplyamazing*

The day of the party I barge into Richelle's room. "What do you want? Get out! Get out! Can't you see the sign? Urgh." Richelle screams. "Geez. Just come to tell you that you're invited to my friends party. Everyone's gonna be there. Tell Evan as well." I mutter angrily. "Don't bother. He doesn't go to these things. " She sighs as puts dark red lipstick on. "At least tell him." I reason. She sighs and texts him. I step out of her lair and flop onto my bed. I stare at my clothes and my mind goes blank. What should I wear? Girly or Chic? Chic. I turn on my radio and Jake Miller's song A Million Lives plays.

I've met a million people, been a million places
Shook a million hands, seen a million faces
I've had a million lows, and a million more highs
No I havent made a million, but I've touched a million lives
I've met a million people, been a million places
Shook a million hands, seen a million faces
I've had a million lows, and a million more highs
No I havent made a million, but I, but I

I wriggle my bum to the music as I pair clothes. I walk out of my room to see Richelle with long lashes, red lips and blonde curls. She's wearing a sexy, red dress that goes up to her thighs. Her chest is clearly visible and her teeth are incredibly white. Oh no. She's playing the sexy gal act. Uh oh, someone unlucky is gonna fall for her. My phone vibrates and I pick it up.

"Hey hunnybuns! I'm coming at 4 and I'll pick Evan and Richelle as well. Do you want the Lamborghini or Ferrari?"
"Mmm. How about the minivan?"
"Okies. See you tonight babe. xoxo."

I sigh and hang up. When? When am I going to tell Leah? It's been 4 and a half months. Lying has become a part of my life, I need a surgeon to cut the part of my brain that remembers the incident. The arms on the clock run around and four o' clock arrives. A horn toots and Richelle, Evan and I rush through the door. I'm surprised Evan came, I push Richelle and sit in the front. Her white nails touch Chase's arm, "thanks sooo much Chase!" She purrs. I roll my eyes and we start driving. We pull up at their house. Leah walks out alone and my eye leads to Lachlan. His arm is pressed against a wall and he's kissing another girl. His arm snakes around her and he carries her to a spare room. The door closes and Leah sighs. She doesn't know?

I hop out of the car and wave. She smiles and hugs me. She throws a beer at Chase and asks Evan with her eyes. "No thanks. I prefer Brainwaves. Do you have any? No? Oh, that's okay I have my own." He gawked as he reached for a can of juice from his trench coat.

I can't remember a lot of the party. We danced a lot and Chase was grabbing his seventh beer. I tried to stop him but he shook me off. Evan and Leah were getting along just fine. "Twister?" Leah smiles. "You betcha!" I chuckle and we spread out the mat. I turn around to pull Chase to play but he's not around. I do a 360 but he's not in sight. So is Richelle.. I shrug and twist my body around like a pretzel. I collapse on the floor and I'm out. This is good because now I can go find Chase.

I walk into one of the spare rooms to unload all the fruit punch in my belly, when I hear two people kissing. What should I do? I'll stay in the room, otherwise it'll be WAAYY to awkward. I'll just peek a little. I giggled and slid around the door to see Richelle. Oooh, who's the unlucky man?

He's a tanned figure with brown hair. I've seen him before, but I can't seem to place him. When all of a sudden I hear Richelle. "Chasie, ooh, I knew you liked me," she cooed. I choked. Chase? How could he do this. You're the one. The only one. His lies echoed through my mind. Her arms snaked around his shirt as she stripped it off. Their lips never parted and clothes were thrown everywhere. A blanket covered them as Chase hugged her. I trusted him, how could he do this? "Richelle. I love you. Don't you ever forget that." He purrs. Urgh. What a tool, he used the same line on me.

"Haha, I won't. Summer never deserved you anyways. You're way too good for her." She laughs. I wait for him to deny this statement, instead he says the opposite. "I know. Now stop talking and show me how much you love me." He cooes. My heart sinks. I fought back my tears and ran out the door. "Summer?" I hear him ask. From the corner of my eye, I see him shrug and stroke Richelle's hair. He doesn't care? I kick off my sandles and start running. Running through to the beach, I jump over the fence and my toes wriggle around the sand.

Waves reach out to me, the ocean is my last destination. I walk deeper into the ocean as the waves thrash me about. It hurts but not as much as how Chase hurt me. Salty tears leaked down my cheeks. I unravel my belt and find the biggest and heaviest rock. Did he hook up with Richelle because I rejected him when he wanted it?

I heave the rock with me all the way up to the cliff. I use the belt to tie my legs onto the rock. Summer, we're meant to be together. The last words echo in my mind as I leap into the sea. My spirit sinks into the bottom of the sea. My breaths are cut short and my last tear rolls down my face. My body floats but I can't feel anything anymore. No more emotions, love and life. "Someone's out there! Help them!" Someone screams.

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