Old Friends

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I ran in to tell Emily and I see her holding Alex as if he was still alive. "Ems, Alex's car crash wasn't accidental. His car didn't have any scratches or anything." I told her. "So, someone wanted to kill him." She choked. I nodded slowly. "I need to have some air." Emily murmured. I nodded and we both walked past The Love Cage. Emily, instantly sobs as it was the first time her and Alex met.

"I need to go. Bye Summer." She wept as she turned back and ran. I tried to grab her but I couldn't. I start walking by myself, when suddenly I hear a loud, explosive noise. I hear people scream as I turn my head around to see a blonde girl lying on the concrete. I wonder who is it?. I run in to see the woman in a pile of blood, her fingers clutching the hole in her body. "Emily? SOMEBODY CALL THE AMBULANCE!" I yelled. A man in a suit picks up his phone and starts talking to the medic. "They're coming Emily. Just hold on for a little longer. Just a little longer." I cried.

By now, my hands were covered in blood. "Emily? Emily Richton?" Nate said as he walked through the crowd. "I am a student in medical school, can you tell me where you are?" Nate asked calmly. Emily didn't answer, "S-u-u-m-e-e-r-r, l-a-a-y m-e-e
d-o-o-w-n n-e-e-x-t-t t-o-o A-l-e-" her head cocked to one side hitting the concrete."Emily! Wake up! Emily! Come back!" I grasped. By now paramedics were swarming lifting Emily into the car. They inspected her for a few minutes, then covered her with a white sheet.

Nate ran towards me and I broke into tears. "I'm sorry, hun. You've lost your best friend AND your cousin. No one expects you to get better so quick." He purred as I hugged him tightly. I took off my boots and started running back to Thimbleton hospital. I needed to get them together, as it was the last request she made. "Summer! What are you doing?." Nate yelled. "Keep Emily there, they need to be together." I screamed. He nodded and ran back. I ran and I ran as I finally set foot in the hospital.

I went into his room to see his pale face. I grabbed him and started running back. Keep pushing and pushing I repeated in my head. I finally met up with Nate and aligned the couple together. I started texted people to tell them about the loss. A few days passed and everyone was here to commemorate our loss. Richelle and Evan were sobbing and my head was buried in Nate's chest. We watched both of them go down in the soil as people gently threw roses on the ground. I couldn't take it any longer. I hopped in my car and started driving. No one noticed me perfect.

I started driving to find the person who killed my friends. I had a weird feeling that Chase was still alive. I started driving when suddenly I saw a white Toyota in my rear mirror. They were speeding up to me and in the mirror I had I saw Chase. I knew it, I switched gears and drifted. He did the same thing and bumped my boot. My head shook vigorously as I stepped on the accelerator. His white Toyota came closer and my car flipped over. My head bumped the wheel as I rolled down the hill. All I could see was black. Something stabbed my eye as I felt liquid dripping down my cheek. I wheeled down the window and squeezed out of the gap. I groped onto the grass and pulled myself to a tree. The car ignited and the fire was straight up in my face.

I held the side of my stomach in pain. I planted myself under a normal sized tree, the evergreen grass turned red and tears leaked down my face. No one can find me anymore. Now I'll die in the forest. My head rested on the rough bark as my world started to black out. The grass tingled my skin and the shadows around me cornered me. My breathing was heavy and my left eye was starting to lose sight. "Summer? Oh my god, are you alright?" A voice shrieked. I could recognise my voice anywhere. Michelle. "Summer? Wait let me call the ambulance okay? One sec." Michelle shouted.

I could hear sirens in the distance as Michelle talks to me. "I've been trying to contact you, but you haven't been answering your phone. I tried to apologise because I shouldn't have tried to ruin things with Chase. How are you guys?" Michelle asked worriedly. "We broke up. He's the reason why I'm in this position right now. He killed my friend and cousin." I gasped as her mouth stood in awe. Finally, the paramedics come and wheeled me into the little boot. They covered my left eye in a patch. "Miss Gracie, your eye will be covered for 7 weeks as the back of the eye is strongly damaged." A voice said.

This was going to be hard. How was I going to get revenge? I look at Michelle doubtfully, "Mish, how. How?" I cried. Her arms wrapped around mine as I sobbed. I couldn't believe what I had said to her. "I'm sorry, Mish. So ever sorry." I choked sadly. She gave me a smile that I remembered when I was young. She made me feel like I belong and that's why she's my friend. Though, I'm not sure if Leah is.

Shout outs to StarDreams8 , twilightscent , midnightsparkling & angelic_booknerd25 .
Song of the day: Photograph by Ed Sheeran
Book of the week: If It Only Was Just A Dream by angelic_booknerd25.
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