2 Seeking shelter

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Damian watched Sanja as she took care of his arm. She was so focused that she didn't seem to notice anything else around her. But he heard it, even over the sounds of the waves and the wind in the trees. The almost loud breaking of branches and something that sounded like growling.

"What was that? Did you hear that?" he asked as he looked around.

But when he did, a sharp pain shot through his neck and down into his ribs. He was probably more seriously injured than he had first thought. The unexpected sight of the woman had banished all pain from his body for a short time.

"Yes... It's the wild animals... Jaguars... hiding in the forest, just waiting for an opportunity. We must seek shelter. I'll help you get up." she replied as she looked at him.

"Okay. I'll be fine." Damian said confidently.

Sanja straightened up before holding out her hand to pull him to his feet. As she had suspected, he was a tall, imposing man. He towered over her by at least a head.

"Are you alright?" she wanted to know, because he was already panting from the short effort.

"I think so," he replied.

"All right, then. Wait a minute. Hold this." she said and handed him the torch so that he could hold it in his healthy hand.

Then she put everything back on the small cot she had with her. It wasn't long before she turned her worried gaze back to him.

"Can you put your injured arm around my shoulder so I can steady you? Don't worry, it's not far," she said.

Damian nodded and Sanja was immediately at his side. She carefully helped him to lean on her before pulling the cot with her free hand. With slow steps, they made their way through the darkness. The shadows and noises around them seemed to creep closer with every step. But neither of them tried to think about it.

Sanja was much more concerned with getting him to her cottage quickly, while Damian realized how fast his heart was beating, but he felt no pain as long as he touched her.

"What is the name of this island? I don't think I've seen it on any of the maps." he began to speak, because the silence meant danger.

"This here is Kekepania. And it's surrounded by large, dangerous cliffs which make it almost impossible to approach. I was surprised to find you alive, Damian. Never before has a stranger survived it. Only those who were born here know the way," she replied as she opened the door to a small wooden cottage.

They were greeted by a warm fire in the flint fireplace. The crackling of the flames was much more pleasant than the howling of the wind and the growling of the creatures in the forest.

Sanja helped Damian to sit down on a small bed in the corner. He groaned again as the exhaustion and pain caught up with him.

"Here, drink this. I'll get you something to eat so you can regain your strength." she said after moving quickly through the cottage.

She held a cup of milk out to him. Only then did he realize how hungry and even thirstier he was. Their fingers brushed against each other as he gratefully took the cup.

"Thank you," he replied, almost shyly.

With big gulps, he drank what turned out to be goat's milk. Meanwhile, his gaze wandered around the room. The only light came from the fireplace, but it was enough to be able to see. There was a large shelf covering one wall, full of books. In the corner next to a small table was an old sewing machine. Then there was a small cupboard. That was pretty much it.

"Here's some smoked fish and bread. Tell me if you need more." said Sanja as she came back with a plate full and sat down on the floor in front of him.

"Tell me, Sanja... Are you here alone?" he wanted to know.

"Yes, at the moment. The others have recently set off to gather resources and sell goods. I expect them back any day now." she replied.

"What exactly are you doing here to survive? What kind of goods are you talking about?" he wanted to know with curiosity.

"This and that. It's not important now. You should get some rest. I have to check on the animals." she replied evasively.

That was understandable. After all, he was just a stranger who had been washed up by the sea. Sanja had no idea whether she could trust him. Even if her gut told her that she could.

"Wait... I can't keep you out of your bed," Damian said as she was about to leave the cottage.

"It's more important that you sleep well. I'll get another sleeping pad and be back soon. I need to keep an eye on you. After all, you may need more help," she replied.

Damian remained silent. He wasn't sure why, but it felt like she was right.

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