19 Our room

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The four of them slowly climbed the stairs to the main house. Damian opened the heavy oak door, it creaked loudly and the sound echoed off the walls. With everything he had in him, he hoped that it wasn't just Sanja who would like it here. It was such a big leap for all of them, bigger than he possibly could even imagine.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sanja's eyes wander through the entrance hall. It was so different from anything she was used to. And part of her wondered if this was how all people lived or if Damian was just extremely fortunate.

"All right, then. The guest room is ready. As well as yours. It's getting cold so I've fired up the fireplaces and the wood-fired hot water heater in the bathrooms. Is there anything else I can do?" they suddenly heard Rhea's voice approaching.

"Yes, actually. My new family will need clothing. At least for today before we can get new ones. Please take care of that. Shall I show you around or are you too tired?" Damian replied before looking at the others.

"Well, I for one would like to rest," Paya said quietly.

Damian knew how intimidated she was and Garro was probably intimidated too, even if he didn't let on.

"Then I'll show you to your room." he replied.

He led the way and explained all the rooms they passed on the way.

"This is the kitchen and the pantry. You can get something to eat here at any time. If you'd rather stay in your room today, I'll have something brought to you later," he said.

"That would be really nice. I think we could all do with some rest. And Damian? Thank you... for everything." Garro replied as they arrived at their room.

"You're welcome. Let me know if you need anything. Our room is upstairs. The last room on the right. Don't hesitate to ask other people in the house, like Rhea, for help." Damian said.

"Are you all right, Sanja? You're so quiet..." he asked worriedly.

She drew in a shaky breath. It was all so overwhelming. So much so that she was almost on the verge of tears.

"I'm really trying... But... it's all so beyond anything I've ever known. I feel like a complete outsider. Like I'm an intruder." she replied as her free hand stroked the dark wooden dresser in the hallway. 

"You are not. You belong by my side and I will do everything in my power to make you feel as at home here as I did on Kekepania. You never gave me the feeling that I wasn't wanted there. You have such a big heart. And now I hope that big heart has a place for all of this," he said as he placed his hand on her neck.

With his thumb, Damian slowly stroked her cheek. As he looked into her eyes, he saw the uncertainty and sadness fade a little.

"I think it will be with time," Sanja replied and placed her hand on his.

He slowly leaned towards her so that he could kiss her again. And this time he actually felt a small smile on her lips. It was the first time in... in such a long time. It seemed much longer to Damian than it actually was. He had missed it that much.

"You wanted to show me our room..." she breathed after a while.

Somehow she had the feeling that countless eyes had been following her since they had entered the estate, or rather the country. They were probably all curious to find out who the Lord had brought home.

"Then come with me," he said.

Together, still hand in hand, they ascended the huge staircase. Sanja's hand stroked the handrail as she looked around. One thing that immediately caught her eye was the grand chandelier hanging from the ceiling. It was without question impressive.

"This is it. I hope you like it," Damian said, opening another heavy door and letting Sanja enter first.

The room was so big. And there was a beautiful candelabra here too. The walls were painted dark, but it didn't feel suffocating. It felt warm and cozy. The tapestries, carpets and other fabrics such as sheets were all in the same brown and dark red tones. Even the artwork was.

Sanja was reminded of something she had read in one of her books. This was how she had imagined kings would live. And of course so different from everything she had seen and experienced in her long life. She almost felt like she was dreaming.

But then the flickering of the fireplace made her feel a little at home. It was something familiar.

"And through this door is the bathroom. So you don't have to go outside. We installed pipes throughout the house a few years ago. And wood-fired hot water heater too. So you can take a hot bath at any time. I'm sure you'll love it as soon as winter comes." Damian babbled as he waited in vain for a word from his beloved.

"You have...water in the house?" she asked in astonishment and went to the bathroom.

"Yes. No more fetching water." he laughed as she enthusiastically turned on the faucet and let the water run over her fingers.

She giggled like a little child. Damian smiled as Sanja took a big sip from her hand.

"It tastes really good. Different... But good." she finally said.

"Is it too much for you today or should we look at the rest?" he wanted to know.

"Actually... I'm starving." she replied.

"Oh say no more. My lady is hungry. She needs to be fed." he said and scooped her up in his arms before carrying her back downstairs.

Hearing her laugh was a huge relief. More and more of the worry fell away from him. And so he laughed with her all the way down to the kitchen to find something edible.

Island Dream [a Damian Priest  fantasy story]Where stories live. Discover now