34 A whole family

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Damian looked at his wife with wide eyes. Now he was wide awake. Suddenly his heart was pounding in his chest as if it was about to pop out. It had all come sooner than expected. They had both assumed that they still had a few weeks to prepare for the birth of the baby.

"Oh boy... oh dear... We... We... have a plan, don't we? What do we do now? You must be in pain... You should probably lie down..." the father-to-be babbled breathlessly.

"First of all, take a deep breath. I'll change into something dry. In the meantime, you can get Paya and the midwife. I guess she has a plan. I don't think the baby will be born in five minutes," replied Sanja, who was trying to breathe calmly.

Even though it was quite difficult for her. She was nervous and the first pains of labor were already unpleasant. And of course she knew that it would get much worse in the next few hours or maybe even minutes. The last thing she needed in this situation was for Damian to completely freak out.

He took a deep breath, just as Sanja had said. It helped a little, but not nearly enough in his opinion. He gently took Sanja's hands in his before looking deep into her eyes.

"I'll be on my way right away... but I just want to tell you now how sorry I am. After all, it's my fault." he said, looking at her guiltily.

"What's your fault?" she asked, confused.

"That you will be in pain... And I can't do anything about it. I can't help you." Damian replied, hanging his head.

"Hey... look at me, beloved... We're having a baby, a little you. And I would walk through fire for that. I promise you that I will forget the pain as soon as I can hold the little being in my arms. Just promise me that you won't faint." Sanja said as she put a hand on his cheek so that she could look him in the eye again.

"I'll do my best." he chuckled nervously.

Somehow that helped him to calm down a little. But then it was time to get ready. He quickly helped Sanja to freshen up and change before he set about doing what his wife had told him to do.

First he went to see Rhea. She could go and get the midwife and Paya. That was best, because it meant he didn't have to leave the house. Under no circumstances did he want to leave Sanja alone any longer than necessary.

"Are you sure you can do this? You already look like you're going to fall over," Rhea said when she saw his face.

Damian leaned against the wall and tried to breathe deeply again.

"Of course I can do that. I could carry my head under my arm and I still wouldn't want to miss it. Now get on your way. I don't know how much time we have." he replied with a growl.

"All right, all right. Get towels, soap and hot water. Everyone must be able to wash their hands at all times. Oh, and plenty of fresh sheets. Just in case." Rhea said before heading out into the night.

While Damian gathered everything they would need and a few things he thought would be useful, Sanja tried to breathe calmly through the pain. The first proper contraction gripped her body and was so unexpectedly strong that she had to hold on to the mantelpiece. With her eyes closed, she inhaled and exhaled as calmly as she could. Again and again.

"I've got you. I'm here," she suddenly heard Damian's voice as he entered the room.

He quickly put everything he had brought aside and hurried to his wife. He placed one hand on her lower back and one on her stomach and rubbed both in small circles. Hopefully that was somehow soothing.

And so the hours passed. The sun was now high in the sky and the heat was spreading. It was also humid here in the bedroom. The intervals between contractions became shorter and Damian's tension increased. He didn't leave Sanja's side for a single second. He kept trying to cool her down with cold cloths. It brought back memories of when he had done exactly that while she had the high fever. Only this time it was for a much nicer reason.

"All right, Sanja... It's time... You can start pushing with the next contraction." the midwife eventually said.

"Thank God." she breathed exhaustedly.

"I'm so proud of you. You're on the home stretch," said Damian as he held her in his arms and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

The next contraction came and Sanja began to push with all the strength she had left. Damian kept saying words of encouragement, but it didn't help much. At least it distracted him a little.

"Very good.... One more time," she said.

Sanja did as she said. And then it was finally done. The baby's first cries echoed through the room as she let herself sink exhausted into Damian's arms.

"What is it?" she asked, panting.

"You have a little girl." the midwife replied and placed the little one onto the new mommy's chest.

"Hi you little angel." Sanja whispered as she looked at her daughter.

"Looks like I was right." she said to Damian as she looked up at him and smiled.

"And I wouldn't have it any other way. She's as beautiful as you are. I love you both." he replied and gave his wife a kiss before stroking the cheek of his newborn baby girl.

"We love you too, don't we... Bella Oceana." said Sanja and gave her baby a kiss on the forehead.

"That's a beautiful name, love, and so fitting," Damian replied with a smile.

He couldn't take his eyes off his two girls. An unfamiliar warmth washed through him that had nothing to do with the heat of summer.

But suddenly Sanja gasped in pain.

"Ow... Something's wrong..." she gasped and handed Bella to her father.

"What's going on? What's wrong?" he asked in a panic.

"I... I don't know." she breathed, holding her stomach.

The midwife was immediately on the case again. She exchanged a worried look with Paya before examining Sanja.

"Try to breathe very deeply... Oh dear... You're not finished yet... There's another one coming." she then said.

"What?" asked Sanja in surprise.

"No time to waste. Push!" she said.

Sanja did as she said while Damian stood beside her, completely perplexed, with the baby in his arms.

"Very good. You've got it... It's a boy!" Paya then said happily.

Panting, Sanja lay down on the pillows as they gave her her baby boy. He looked like his father and was the biggest surprise for everyone present.

"Looks like you can use your name after all..." Sanja breathed exhaustedly as she looked back and forth between her babies and her husband.

"Yes... Oh my... I don't even know what to say... two... we have two babies. Thank you, my love... Thank you for this incredible gift." he replied and gave her a long kiss.

"I have to thank you... Well... what's the name of our little surprise boy?" asked Sanja.

"I was thinking Cosmo Dillon. What do you think?" he replied.

"Perfect. Bella and Cosmo... Mama and Papi love you." she said proudly.

"So much. You have no idea. Although now I have to get another crib." Damian laughed.

Sanja joined in his laughter as they both soaked up the detail of their little ones. Those precious minutes that had completely changed their lives. A married couple had become a whole family.

Island Dream [a Damian Priest  fantasy story]Where stories live. Discover now