3 Something about you

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Sanja quickly made her way outside to make sure that the sheds and fences were well locked. Her eyes wandered through the night, but of course she couldn't see anything. Nevertheless, she had the feeling that something was watching her. The predators were probably closer than she would have liked.

She knew that they must have instinctively smelled the man's blood and that had lured them to the beach. The wild animals had probably been looking forward to a sumptuous meal and Sanja had ruined their plans.

"Get out of here! You won't get him!" she shouted in a firm voice.

There was a rustling in the undergrowth, but the noise faded away, at least for the moment. She breathed a little easier. Once she was sure everything was secure, she went to one of the other cottages. The one they used to store all sorts of things. 

She carefully put the torch into the holder in the wall before gathering everything she needed. A few dry blankets and a pillow in addition to the sleeping pad. Then her eyes fell on a pile of the men's clothes. It was probably a good idea to bring Damian some dry clothes. In case he was still awake. Part of her couldn't imagine that he would be able to find rest and warmth in the damp clothes.

"There you are again." Damian breathed weakly as he saw her open the door quietly.

"I had hoped you would be asleep by now. Are you still hungry? Are you cold, Damian?" she asked immediately.

She quickly put the things she had brought with her to one side and then knelt down next to the bed.

"No, no... Everything just hurts." he replied.

"Is that all? You look like you're shaking. That's what I thought. That's why I brought you some dry clothes." she said as she looked at him carefully.

"Would you feel better if I admitted that I was freezing?" he asked.

"Indeed I would. Come on, I'll help you get up. Put this on. I'll wait outside." she replied and helped Damian to his feet.

"I... well... I think I'm going to need your help." he admitted as he realized that he probably wouldn't be able to do it alone.

"I... Okay..." said Sanja and immediately the warmth rose to her face.

She gently helped him undress. But it turned out to be more difficult than expected.

"Sanja... It would be more helpful if you opened your eyes," Damian finally said as he struggled to put on his clean and, more importantly, dry pants.

He needed a little more help with the shirt, however.

Hesitantly, she opened one eye and then the other. Her eyes fell on his defined chest. Involuntarily, her gaze followed the line of his muscles.

"Oh my goodness! You have another wound. Why didn't you say anything?" she gasped as she saw the blood running down his ribs.

"I honestly didn't notice," he replied as he looked down at himself.

Sanja immediately fetched fresh water and a new cloth to clean the wound. Damian hissed through the pain as she soaked another cloth in alcohol and pressed it onto the wound. He gritted his teeth to keep from crying out.

"It needs stitches. The wound is too deep," she said.

"Lie down. Bite on this if it hurts," she continued, handing him a wooden spoon before fetching the sewing kit from the corner.

Without hesitation, she set to work. She knew it wasn't pleasant, but unfortunately there was nothing she could do to spare him the pain.

She stitched his skin as quickly as she could. It took 10 stitches until the wound was finally closed. Then she wrapped another bandage around his upper body. Hopefully that would be enough.

Then she helped him finish dressing. Exhausted, Damian lowered himself onto the bed before Sanja covered him with a clean blanket.

"Thank you," he said and reached for her hand.

"You're welcome. Try to sleep." she replied with a small smile.

Reluctantly, she took her hand from him and placed another log in the flames. Then she made up her bed. By now she was very exhausted, but she doubted whether she would be able to sleep that night.

Part of her wondered how to explain to the others why he was here and another part wondered if they would ever return. It was all taking too long. They should have been back by now. The elders, her grandfather, was all she had left. She didn't want to lose any more family to the sea or the jungle.

She also wondered if she would even be able to look after the mine and the animals and the fields now. Damian would certainly need care for a few weeks. Sanja now had to look after them both. That was her duty. Because she had saved him and was now responsible for him.

She eventually dozed off. But Damian, on the other hand, was still wide awake. His gaze was fixed on the girl lying curled up not far from him. There was something about her... something about her fascinated him deeply. So much so that he almost forgot his previous life.

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