28 Are you all right?

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The big day had finally arrived. While Damian took care of the carriage outside in which he wanted to take his fiancée to the small chapel, Sanja was upstairs getting dressed with Paya's help.

They both had butterflies in their stomachs and could hardly wait to see the other. Every minute they were apart felt like a year.

"Is the Lord ready?" Rhea asked as she came up beside him.

Damian gently stroked Negro's neck before turning to her to answer.

"More than ready. I hope everything works as we hope. Is everything prepared? Is everyone here?" he replied quickly.

"It is. You know what Sanja said. Trust her. And you do, don't you?" she said.

"With my life. It's still possible that something could go wrong," he said.

"It won't. And when that's done, you'll have peace and enough time to prepare for other things." Rhea replied with a small smile.

"What do you mean?" he wanted to know.

"You will find out. But now, if you'll excuse me... I have to check on your bride," she said.

And with that, she walked up the steps to the main entrance, leaving Damian alone with his thoughts for a moment. But then it was time for him too.

Meanwhile, Sanja prepared for the ceremony. The dress fitted perfectly, just as she had imagined. But she still felt a little melancholy. She looked up and then closed her eyes. With a deep sigh, she thought of her parents and the rest of her family. The thought of her grandfather was particularly painful, as it hadn't been that long since he had died.

"They are all with you. They've never left your heart." Paya said, knowing exactly where Sanja's thoughts were at that moment.

"I know... and it's nice that I still have you and Garro. Even if I don't like you moving out." Sanja replied as she reached for Paya's hand.

"It's about time. Besides, you still see us every day. Garro loves it here. And I still can't quite believe how well he gets along with Damian now. When I think about the first encounter they had..." she said.

"Oh, I know. Even the most stubborn person has to realize how great my future husband is." Sanja laughed.

"Speaking of which. It's time to go. Don't make him wait any longer." Paya replied and gave Sanja a kiss on the forehead.

That was all she needed to hear. She quickly put on her cape, which matched her dress, before making her way downstairs. Her hand slid slowly over the banister as she walked down the steps. 

Damian was already waiting for her at the bottom of the steps. When his eyes met her shy gaze, he once again had the feeling that he was looking at an angel. Just like when he saw her for the very first time.

"Oh my darling! Look at you." he breathed as he held out a hand to her.

She gently placed her hand in his as she also took in his appearance. He looked so handsome. He always did, but today he had that little something extra. Anticipation shone from his eyes and he almost seemed to glow.

"Hello, my love. My groom. You look like a dream." she said softly as she stood in front of him.

"Like your dream, I hope." he replied as he lifted her hand to his mouth to press a loving kiss on it.

"Of course. Ready?" she asked.

"Oh, I'm so ready. I hope you know what you're getting yourself into." he laughed as he escorted her out.

"Trust me, you're all I'll ever need." she replied.

"I feel the same way," he said and then helped her into the carriage.

He quickly put a thick blanket over their legs before taking the reins. And so they set off through the snow that still covered the ground. The ride through the forest to the beautiful little chapel did not take long. But they still enjoyed these moments to the fullest. The sunlight made the snow glisten like millions of tiny crystals.

Once they arrived, Damian helped Sanja out of the carriage and then handed her her bridal bouquet. Sanja had no idea how he had managed to get such beautiful roses in the dead of winter, but she knew that this man could accomplish anything he set his mind to.

"Let's get married, my Lady," he said.

"With pleasure, my Lord," she replied.

Damian hooked her arm around his and then they walked into the small chapel together. They both waited for what they were sure would happen.

And then it really did happen. The rejected Minette appeared out of nowhere behind Sanja and yanked her from Damian's side by the hair she was wearing down. Before anyone could react, she had a knife pressed to her throat.

"What are you doing? Let her go now!" Damian shouted.

"Not another step, Damian. I'll give you the chance to marry me, then I'll let her live. Otherwise, she's as good as gone. You can't protect her," growled Minette as the guests froze at the sight.

Or at least almost all of them. What Minette didn't know was that Damian and Sanja had already suspected that she was planning something. And so it was that not only her father was among the guests, but also the sheriff and the chief magistrate. Witnesses who would see her behavior first hand.

"Minette! What are you doing? Let her go immediately! Have you lost your mind?" her father shouted and took a step towards her.

"I'm sorry, Daddy. But I'm only doing this for our family. It's what you wanted. Do you remember? And now he can't protect her anymore and has to marry me. Just like you wanted." the crazy woman replied.

"But not like that, my child. Damian loves this woman. Things have changed. You can't force it, especially not like this. Let go." he tried to convince her.

"Never!" she shrieked.

"You see... That's exactly where your problem lies. You think I need Damian to protect me. You couldn't be more wrong." Sanja said calmly.

"The knife at your throat says otherwise. Not a step closer, Lord!" Minette retorted, glaring at Damian as he tried to come to the rescue.

"You underestimate me. I happen to be a master with a knife and messing with me is a bad idea." Sanja continued.

Before Minette could react, she grabbed her wrist and threw her over her shoulder onto the floor. In one swift motion, she pressed a knee to Minette's chest and now the intruder was the one with the knife to her throat.

"We knew you would come here. We were prepared and now get you out of our lives. Because I promise you one thing.... If you try to hurt me again, or God forbid my Damian... next time I won't hesitate to fight back properly," Sanja said calmly as the sheriff approached.

"That won't be necessary. I've heard and seen enough and so has the magistrate. I think her father will agree with us when we say that Minette needs psychiatric help. Get your guards back in place, Lord. Just to be safe." he said as he led Minette out after Damian had helped Sanja up.

"Are you all right?" Damian asked worriedly.

"Of course I am. I knew she wouldn't resist. But enough of that, beloved. I think we have something more important to do, don't you?" replied Sanja and put a hand on his cheek.

"That's right.... Let's get married," he said and then gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Island Dream [a Damian Priest  fantasy story]Where stories live. Discover now