5 Like a dream

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"That looks good. No redness or other signs of infection. I think I can take the stitches out. That means you can bathe properly. But you have to promise to look after your arm. It will need a few more weeks to heal," said Sanja to Damian after removing the bandage to check on the wound, as she has done every day for the past week.

"That's good. But I think we could also remove the cast. My arm feels fine. I don't think it was as badly injured as you think," he replied to distract himself from the tugging that was a little uncomfortable while Sanja removed the stitches.

"Nice try. A week isn't enough with a broken arm," she said, looking up at him.

She tried to look stern, but when she looked into his warm eyes, her resolve wavered. She almost melted on the spot. Part of her hoped he didn't notice the heat rising to her cheeks every time she touched him.

But this hope was for nothing, because Damian noticed it every single time. And the sight of her blushing face was enough to make everything inside him tingle.

"Do you have a lot to do today? What can I help you with?" he then asked.

"I still have to make soap. It always takes a few months to cure, so you have to plan ahead. I think you can help me with that. But first you have to eat something. And I need to check on the smoked meat and fish. When that's ready, I'll have to can it," she replied.

"Sounds like a plan." he smiled.

And so the two of them spent the next few hours preserving food for the coming months. The first vegetables were also almost ripe so that Sanja would have plenty to do over the next few days and weeks. That, and the fact that she was taking care of Damian, distracted her a little from her worries about her family. Another week had passed with no sign of their return.

And Damian's thoughts had also been spinning in the last few days. But only when Sanja wasn't around him. Whenever she was near him and they were talking or working, his mind was always consumed with thoughts of her.

"Would you mind going ahead? I'll quickly go down to the river to bathe. My hair needs it." Sanja wanted to know as she gathered everything she needed.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you if you could help me wash my hair again.... As I only have one hand to use," he replied a little shyly.

He still didn't like being dependent on help. Even if the help came from such a stunning woman. He just didn't want her to think he was weak.

"Sure. Come on then." said Sanja and reached for another piece of linen.

They walked through the lush forest together. The stones and tree trunks were no obstacle for Sanja as she could even find the path in her sleep and by now Damian was moving as if he had spent his whole life here.

"Sit on the boulder so I can reach your head, please," she said and of course he did as she said.

She took the cup she had brought with her to pour water over his hair before setting about lathering it up nicely with the soap. Her fingers worked carefully through his locks to remove dirt and knots. Finally, she used the comb.

"That feels good. Thank you." Damian said as she helped him dry his hair.

"You're welcome. I've done my best. I... So... I'll see you on the beach in a few minutes." she replied.

Damian wanted so much to say something, but he couldn't think of anything suitable to reply. Something about her made him shy like a little boy. But then he briefly reached for her hand. Surprised, she looked up at him.

"Don't make me wait too long..." he finally breathed in his deep voice.

Sanja could only nod. She didn't trust her voice at that moment. With a smile, Damian turned around and made his way up the small hill through the undergrowth. He soon disappeared between the trees.

As she closed her eyes for a moment, she took a deep breath. The feelings inside her were so unfamiliar. She had never felt anything like it before, but it was not an unpleasant sensation.

Eventually, she removed her clothes and let her hair down before getting into the water. She walked carefully over the smooth pebbles until she was directly under the waterfall. The refreshing water soaked into her long hair and then cascaded down her back.

Sighing, she washed her hair and enjoyed the warmth around her. Somehow she had the feeling that she was being watched, but the thought was quickly forgotten. Even if... she was standing in water up to her hips and with her back to the forest.

After she had cleaned herself, she dried off before putting on fresh clothes. She placed the knife she always had with her back on her belt. Sanja combed her hair and let it hang down her back. She then took everything she had brought with her and made her way to the beach.

Meanwhile, Damian sat down in the still-warm sand. As he now knew, it was only a small section of the island that had an actual beach. The rest had steep, sharp cliffs. So it was definitely a miracle that he had washed up here. He had been very lucky. You couldn't say the same for his crew. As he sat there alone, his thoughts and prayers circled to the lost souls who were not as blessed as he was. The storm, the sea... had swallowed them all up, but only released him.

"What are you thinking about?" he suddenly heard Sanja ask behind him.

"I wonder if we really have crawfish in the traps..." he replied in a sad voice.

"Liar... You don't have to feel guilty for surviving... That would destroy you over time. What happened isn't something you could control or even influence. It just happened." she said as she sat down next to him.

It was the first time he had seen her with her hair down. It framed her face and made it even more perfect. It also accentuated the unusual color of her eyes. The liquid caramel seemed so inviting.

Damian sighed deeply. She was already seeing through him so quickly. It was beautiful, but also unfamiliar.

"Cheer up... Look, I brought us a mango. The first one that was ripe. Let's share." she continued after a few minutes.

Sanja peeled a piece of the mango with her sharp knife and then fed it to Damian. The juices ran down her fingers and finally onto his chin.

Without thinking about what he was doing, he held her hand with his healthy one. Their eyes met, but neither of them said a word. He gently kissed her fingertips. Sanja's breathing quickened as she followed his movements.

At the exact same moment, they both leaned forward.... feeling a pull. Damian's eyes wandered back and forth between Sanja's and her lips. And so did hers until their lips finally met.

They began to kiss slowly, almost shyly at first... but the longer they kissed, the more intense it became. They quickly forgot everything around them. Only the two of them existed in this world... not just on the island. Like a dream, they both wished that this would never end.

Island Dream [a Damian Priest  fantasy story]Where stories live. Discover now