22 A little more careful

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"Hey... I know this is a shock, but I promise you everything will be fine. You just have to get used to it. Let's go back to the house. You got a lot of dirt in that wound. Any other injuries?" Damian asked gently as he looked at her hand.

He knew how much this particular change affected her. From now on, she had to be a little more careful. Maybe even a lot more careful. And then Sanja realized what it also meant. She was now ageing normally, like every other person in this world. The magic or power, whatever you wanted to call it, that Kekepania cast on its inhabitants had run its course.

"I... I think I sprained my ankle," said Sanja quietly.

She wasn't sure if that was all, because at the moment her hand and her ankle were what hurt the most.

"Come on, my love... I'll carry you home." Damian then said.

He carefully slid his strong arms under his beloved and then stood up with her. Sanja immediately laid her head against his chest. She was still trying to get the images and the woman's words out of her head. And the pain wasn't helping her a bit at the moment. But as she breathed in deeply and inhaled Damian's scent, her worries became less. Something about the rain made the whole situation more memorable.

Damian pressed a kiss to Sanja's hair when he heard her sigh softly. He felt her relax a little. Hopefully that's a good sign, he thought.

As they made their way back along the twisted path, the rain slowly subsided. The sun broke through the dark clouds and left a beautiful rainbow over their heads.

Without saying a word, Sanja looked up. A small smile crept across her face as she remembered sitting on the beach with her parents after a rain storm as a small child and also seeing a rainbow.

It wasn't long before they arrived at the house. Damian carried Sanja into the kitchen and sat her down on one of the chairs before he set about gathering everything he could. Warm water, alcohol, a bandage and cloths. Perhaps the wound also needed stitches, he wasn't sure.

"What's happened? You look terrible." they heard Paya's voice.

"I fell in the mud. I'm sure it looks worse than it is." replied Sanja as Damian carefully cleaned her hand.

It hurt. More than she had expected. Nevertheless, she tried not to let it show. She knew that he probably felt guilty enough as it was.

"That looks bad... It... it doesn't heal like it used to, does it?" Paya asked as she glanced at the hand.

"No.. I think I need stitches." she replied when she saw how wide open the wound really was.

"Yeah... Probably... I... um... I can do it." Damian said hesitantly.

"Bless your heart but... Leave it to me, Damian. I will take care of this. Please be a good man and get some sewing materials. Oh, and a little honey. That will help with the healing." Paya replied.

"Are you sure? I can do it too." he said, because he actually wanted to stay by Sanja's side.

"Have you done it before? Believe me, it's faster when I do it. Don't worry." Paya said gently.

"Okay... I'll be right back." he replied when he realized that she was right, of course.

When she had everything she needed, Paya tended to the wound. After she was done, she spread a little honey on the wound before wrapping the bandage around it.

And although it wasn't even noon yet, Damian saw how exhausted Sanja was. And so he took her upstairs to their bedroom where he helped her out of her dirty clothes. He then helped her clean herself up. When she was washed and dressed again, he took her to bed. Then he freshened up too.

"Are you hungry? Should I have some lunch brought to us?" he asked once he was sure she was comfortable.

"No. Lie down with me, please." Sanja replied quietly.

That was a wish he was only too happy to fulfill. He lay down next to her. She cuddled up to him carefully. Sanja took a deep breath when she listened to his heartbeat.

"I love you, Damian. I'm sorry I ran away..." she breathed with her eyes closed as exhaustion came over her.

"I love you too... And I know we haven't been together long, but I already know that I won't wait much longer to tie you to me." he replied just as softly.

He waited for a reaction to what he had just said, but there was none. Sanja had already fallen asleep. Perhaps it was better that way. Because this would make it a surprise. After all, he had already initiated an important part of it.

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