24 Magical connection

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Minutes turned into hours as Damian watched over Sanja, desperately trying to lower her body temperature. The fireplaces were burning in every other room of the big house, but not here in the bedroom. Instead, he had opened the windows as wide as he could to let the cold air in.

Even during the night he left them open in the hope that it would help. Throughout the entire night, he sat by her side. As the doctor had said, he changed the cold compresses every 20 minutes. But even in the morning he didn't feel that it was helping.

Sanja was still flushed with heat as she lay there moaning in pain. Every now and then she had waking moments, but she was not clear in her head. And she didn't even recognize Damian. It was just enough to wash a sip or two of cold water down her throat.

Desperation settled over Damian like the cold settles over the land in winter. His fingertips slowly stroked her forehead. Again and again, the hope of finding a difference in her temperature flickered, but it was never granted. No matter how much he prayed for it.

"You have to eat." Rhea said in the morning as she came into the room with a tray.

"I can't." he replied curtly.

"You lost this yesterday." she said unexpectedly and held a small pouch out to him.

It was the present for Sanja that he had picked up yesterday. It had probably fallen out of his pocket when he had jumped off his horse. He hadn't even noticed that it was gone, but he was relieved that Rhea had found it. Because there was no replacement for this precious something.

"Thank you. You can go now," he replied without even glancing at her.

His eyes remained fixed on Sanja as his hand closed around the pouch.

"Beloved, you must open your eyes, do you hear me? I know you are so much stronger. I know that you love me and don't just want to disappear from this world. And I also know that you want to know what I'm holding in my hand." he said as he took out the little thing.

"You know... I've been thinking a lot about the best time for this. Your grandfather said that he trusts me to protect you and I will keep that promise. That's why I had this made for you. 

Do you remember that your grandfather wanted to talk to me alone? Before the volcanic eruption, I mean... He gave me something and said I would know what to do with it when the time came. And I feel that it has. It will give you a reason to fight." Damian spoke as he placed the beautiful golden ring with the equally beautiful orange, oval-cut sunstone on the ring finger of her left hand. The injured one.

Erwindro had given him a big nugget of gold from the mine on Kekepania. In an instant, he knew what it was for. This way, Sanja would have a piece of her home, of her family, with her forever. And for the gemstone... Damian had chosen it because it reminded him of her unique eyes. It even had the same sparkle.

"Sanja, please heal... I love you... wake up and marry me." he whispered as he still held her hand.

But no matter how much he wished it... There was no miracle. His princess didn't just wake up and everything was back to normal.

With a deep sigh, Damian pressed a kiss to her finger. And then he simply looked at her. Eventually it was time to continue. He replaced the cold compresses before he set about changing the bandage on her hand.

As he looked at her palm to make sure there wasn't another infection, he noticed something strange. But.... that couldn't be... that wasn't possible! The skin around the stitches began to heal. The scabs were falling off.

Although he could hardly believe his eyes, he quickly removed the stitches. And indeed! The wound healed. Speechless, he stared into his beloved's face. Was it just his imagination or was her face less red?

Was it... Was it possible that this little piece of gold from Kekepania had brought the magic back to her? Whatever it was, it worked.

Damian knelt down next to the bed without taking his eyes off Sanja's face for a second.

"It's working... You're healing, my love. You want to marry me. I can feel it. I know you'll get better. Open your eyes, Sanja. Please, do it for me. Please!" he babbled breathlessly.

His hand trembled slightly as he placed it on her forehead. And by God! She felt cooler... much cooler.

Suddenly Sanja grunted a little and her eyes began to flutter. The man at her side waited impatiently for another sign. He gently stroked Sanja's forehead and hair with his thumb. And then, yes then, she actually opened her eyes.

"Hey..." she breathed weakly, but her eyes met his immediately.

Without hesitation, he gave her a long kiss on the lips. Relief flowed through his veins.

"You're all better..." Damian said, stroking her face as tears formed in his warm eyes.

"Thanks to you... And yes." whispered Sanja.

"What?" Damian asked, confused.

"I love you and I want to marry you." she replied softly.

"You heard me?" he wanted to know.

"You're a part of me... Of course I did." she explained as she lifted her hand and placed it against his face.

Her eyes immediately fell on the breathtaking ring on her finger. She had always felt how deep the love between them was. And now it had been proven how magical their connection really was.

Island Dream [a Damian Priest  fantasy story]Where stories live. Discover now