12 Closer

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Several days passed as they all lived here together. Hand in hand, they repaired everything that had fallen victim to the storm and tried to salvage as much of the harvest as possible. And even if Garro didn't want to admit it, Damian was certainly a great help. His size alone made so many things easier for him. But that didn't change the fact that Garro and his mate Paya kept giving him dirty looks.

Sanja couldn't understand what exactly their problem was. It wasn't as if he had been the first outsider to be accepted into the community. The only thing that was different was the fact that he hadn't chosen it voluntarily.

Damian spent countless minutes thinking about how he could make them understand that they had nothing to be afraid of. But in the end he was convinced that only time would help. And so it was that he didn't object when they all wanted to go to the mine to work without him. Sanja said that they shouldn't make such a big deal out of it and that Damian was a good, trustworthy person.

Garro strongly disagreed. He didn't want to let another secret of the island be revealed. The fact that Damian knew was bad enough. Sanja tried to convince him, but Damian was quick to reassure her that it wasn't a big issue. He just didn't want to ruffle any feathers. 

He and Sanja would certainly have enough to do without going down into the mine. And this way, Sanja could keep an eye on her grandfather. She didn't say so, but Damian knew that this fact alone was very convincing for her. He didn't know exactly why, because she wouldn't tell him. But something about the conversation with Erwindro had really upset her. During the day, she tried not to let it show and Damian on his own managed to distract her and even make her laugh...

But that changed abruptly as soon as she fell asleep at night. The same nightmares haunted her every night. The same bright crimson light that lay over the island despite the night... The horrible, deep rumbling that seemed to come from inside the island. The screeching of the animals in the forest... The flames that engulfed everything around them. 

Sanja kept trying to find her way out of the nightmare. She knew in a strange way that she was only dreaming and that it wasn't reality. But she just wouldn't wake up. However, she felt the whole time that she was not alone. She felt Damian's strong arms wrapped around her body. This embrace felt like the warmest blanket. It protected her from the demons she fought in her sleep.

Eventually she heard his voice. So clear and deep. And yet so worried.

"Sanja... Come back to me... Wake up... Just open your eyes." Damian said as he stroked her soft, smooth back. Her incredibly long hair hung over her shoulder and over the edge of the bed to the floor.

It took some time before she finally managed to tear herself away from the horrible images. But then she opened her eyes. Her breathing was rapid and uneven as she tried to calm down. She lifted her head, which had been resting on Damian's chest while she slept, and looked into his dark, warm eyes. The worry in them was so great, but at the same time he radiated such love that Sanja's heart beat faster.

"Nightmares again?" he asked gently as he continued to stroke her back.

"Yes... If only I knew what it meant. I've never had such vivid dreams before," she replied.

"I think it has something to do with what you talked about with your grandfather. What threw you off like that?" Damian wanted to know.

"A lot of it was... confusing and upsetting... but there's one thing I can't get out of my head... But I'm afraid to ask this question." she replied on the verge of tears as she lowered her head again so as not to have to look at him.

"I love you, Sanja. And I can only help you if you let me... What is it?" he asked as he lifted her chin with his index finger.

Her caramel-colored eyes sparkled despite the dim light as she thought about the best way to ask the question that was obviously bothering her.

"I love you too, and that's exactly why I'm scared, I think. Do you miss it? Your old life, I mean. Do you want to go back? I know I should have asked you that question a long time ago..." she replied softly.

Sanja's voice was full of emotion. It hurt her to think about even one possible answer. There were so many possibilities. And in her mind, one was worse than the other.

"To be completely honest. I've hardly thought about my previous life since I met you. You make me very happy... so happy that I can't imagine anything else. I want to be where you are. And since you belong here, I belong at this place too," said Damian.

"Grandfather said a change is coming. That Kekepania is changing. That his fate is not mine... That I will start a new life with you... What can that possibly mean?" she asked him.

"I don't know... But I do know that your grandfather is a wise man. He will have reasons for saying such things. It doesn't matter what it means as long as we stay together. You and I." he replied.

Then he pressed his lips to those of his beloved. Sanja sighed with relief. She still had just as many questions as before. But part of her was relieved. Damian was right... as long as they were together, she could bear anything. Even if that meant starting all over again.

As the two of them lay in each other's arms and drifted back to sleep, the island began to shake once again. By now it had almost become an everyday routine and none of the people who were left really noticed. Even though they should probably take it more seriously. Because the change was indeed close. Closer than they realized.

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