6 Closeness

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The minutes passed until they finally parted. The waves and the wind were the only sounds to be heard. Or that was what Sanja hoped. However, her heart was beating so hard that she was convinced Damian could hear it.

Damian placed his hand on her face as they both looked deeply into each other's eyes again. As he watched, she licked her lips before slowly running her index finger over them.

She could still taste the sweet flavor on her tongue. Only she wasn't at all sure if it was Damian's taste or that of the sweet fruit.

"I... um... That was..." Sanja stuttered, unable to put into words what she was feeling at that moment.

The whole experience was too new. And yet it felt so right. How many times had she read about it in those books? Those words hadn't been enough to prepare her for this. These feelings were so much greater... more intense than she had ever thought possible.

"I know what you mean. The word is overwhelming. Simply unbelievable. But... well, I'm sorry if I went too far, Sanja. I couldn't resist," Damian replied, his gaze never leaving this special person for a second.

Everything inside him was also tingling like crazy. He would have loved to pull her towards him straight away. But he could see that she needed a little time to process it. Everything was new.

"Don't be sorry... It was.... beautiful... more than beautiful." she whispered as she placed her hand on his.

This way she wanted his warm, soft hand, his touch to stay there on her face. At that moment, she didn't care a bit that he could probably feel the heat.

"It was. Sanja... I really like you," Damian said.

His deep voice rumbled in his chest. His fervor let her know how serious he was.

"I like you too, Damian. I... Could you maybe... could you do it again?" she asked shyly.

Instead of answering, Damian leaned forward again. Slowly, very slowly and increasingly closer. Until he was finally able to touch her with his lips. First he pressed a light kiss on her forehead, then one on her cheek and her adorable nose. Sanja giggled softly as she soaked up his closeness.

Then he kissed her on the lips again. And it was almost better than the first time, because this time they both knew what to expect. Sanja rested her free hand on his neck and pulled him closer.

The minutes passed while the two of them expressed their feelings for each other without words. But eventually they were both gasping for air.

Sanja rested her forehead against Damian's. Closing her eyes, she sighed deeply.

"What do you say we go back? It's time. The sun is already setting. I think if we have crawfish in the traps, I could make us a special meal. We could eat together in front of the fire." she then suggested.

"I like the idea, but only if I get to hold you," Damian replied.

"That's something I like," she replied.

They both stood up and walked down to the water together. Damian reached for her hand and held on to it for as long as he could. They went into the water to check the traps. They were indeed lucky. A few crawfish had ended up in the traps. Sanja pulled them out and threw them into the bucket.

Damian watched her and couldn't help but be delighted by her happy face. Seeing her like that did something to his heart.

When everything was done, they made their way back to the cottages. They did all the necessary chores together, as they did every evening. It was quicker that way and it gave him the opportunity to steal a kiss or two.

While Damian rested his still very sore body, Sanja set about preparing a meal. With practiced movements, it didn't take long for the two of them to settle down in front of the warming fire to enjoy dinner and each other's company.

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