20 What's troubling you?

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A few days passed and everyone tried to get used to the new situation. Sanja, Paya and Garro still found it difficult to get involved with the many new faces, but things were improving all the time. Everyone who worked here on the estate was initially very skeptical of the new arrivals, but this hesitancy quickly disappeared as soon as they started talking to each other.

Garro in particular seemed to take a liking to the surroundings here. As soon as he saw the huge garden and the greenhouses, he was in his element. He had lively conversations with those who spent most of their time there. They exchanged many techniques and experiences. Paya was always close to him, even if she was still rather shy. She needed more time.

It went without saying that Rhea asked Damian about everything and everyone as soon as she got the chance. She bombarded him with so many questions at the same time that it took him a while to answer all the ones he wanted to answer.

It all took him far too long. Because he actually wanted to spend time with Sanja. Especially to make the transition as easy as possible for her. But now that he was back, there were of course his duties to fulfill.

That's why he was relieved to see Sanja's beaming face when she discovered the library attached to his study. The shelves were well-stocked with countless books collected from many different generations. Damian himself loved to rummage through one or five books every now and then. The smell of the paper and leather bindings was something that always had a calming effect on him.

And he knew that Sanja loved reading. She had plenty to choose from here and wouldn't get bored any time soon. Especially not now that the first chill of autumn was spreading across the ground. The days were still quite warm, but the nights covered everything with a light coating of frost.

Damian was in the process of running a hot bath for Sanja. He knew she was freezing without her having to tell him. She wasn't used to the coolness here and so he often saw her shivering due to the low temperature.

When he went back into the bedroom, he saw her standing in front of the large full-length mirror. Naked, she stood in front of it and stared into it. Her head tilted slightly to one side as if she was deep in thought.

He slowly stepped towards her so that he could embrace her. He searched for her gaze in the reflection, but was unsuccessful.

"What's troubling you?" he asked quietly in her ear.

"I don't know. It's strange to see myself completely in the mirror. All I knew was to see my face in one every now and then. I don't know what to make of it. What do you see when you look at me?" she replied thoughtfully.

"Well, what I see is a beautiful, stunning woman who has stolen my heart. I see your soft skin and your radiant complexion. Your gorgeous long hair that swings back and forth with every movement. And then I see your eyes... your beautiful eyes... The color of caramel or liquid fire.

I remember the very first moment I looked at you. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. But that's nothing compared to this," he explained to her before pressing a kiss against her temple.

He took a moment to inhale deeply. Damian soaked up her sweet, unique scent.

"You are such a warm, caring and strong woman. You're smart, quick-witted, talented in so many ways.... I told you you have a big heart and that's what I love about you. Your ability to see the beauty in anything and to do everything you do with passion," he continued.

"You are very kind, my Lord, and I love you. I hope you know that the big heart and the caring, the kindness and intelligence... all that and so much more applies to you too." she replied as she finally turned in his arms.

"Would you like to keep me company?" she then asked as she put her arms around his neck.

"There's nothing to stop me. I knew why I got such a big bathtub," said Damian and then stole a kiss.

The next morning, the two of them visited the stables together. Damian hadn't been able to make it in the days before because other things had needed him more urgently. But now nothing could stop him.

"This here is Negro. My best stallion in the stable. He's pretty wild and not many people dare to get close to him," he explained to Sanja as they approached his box.

Negro was an impressive, deep black stallion. Really everything about him was black. From his mane to the tip of his tail. From his ears to his hooves. He neighed softly when he heard his master's voice.

"Hello pretty boy." said Sanja softly.

Although she had never seen a horse with her own eyes, she was immediately impressed by the grace and size of the animal. She slowly opened the gate, but Damian stopped her.

"He's too wild, Sanja. You could get hurt." he said, stopping her.

"Trust me, Damian. Look at him... He won't hurt me." she replied.

Hesitantly, he let her go in, but kept a close eye on the horse in case something went wrong.

"Hello Negro. I'm Sanja." she said, letting the stallion smell her hand before stroking him gently over the bridge of his nose.

Negro lowered his head, almost as if she was enjoying the touch. Sanja stroked his silky coat as she leaned her head against his. The horse immediately relaxed visibly. A smile formed on Sanja's lips as she closed her eyes.

"You're a good boy, aren't you? You would never hurt anyone on purpose... All you need is patience." She spoke to him quietly and Damian couldn't help but be fascinated to see how utterly tame the normally hot-headed Negro was.

In a way, Damian could understand him. After all, this woman was something very special. How could a man resist?

After a while, Sanja came back to Damian and she looked so happy that his heart skipped a beat.

"And who is this?" she finally asked as she took her beloved by the hand and walked a few boxes further.

"This here is Chiquita. She's a mare we had to buy last year because we couldn't get Negro from her side after he mated her. She will soon give birth to a foal. If you want to... you could give him or her a name," he explained as they stood in front of a gleaming white, almost silver mare.

"Really? I'd like that," replied Sanja and was just about to give Damian a kiss when the stable door opened with a loud bang.

The horses were just as startled as Damian and Sanja. Before anyone could catch themselves, a tall, blonde woman came running towards Damian. She immediately wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Oh, my precious Damian. My lord! I'm so glad you're all right. I was worried sick about losing you," she gushed.

But Damian did not return the unexpected and unwanted embrace. Instead, he pushed the woman away from him.

"What are you doing here, Minette?" he asked displeased.

"What a question! I wanted to see with my own eyes that my fiancé has returned home and that the wedding can take place after all." she replied exuberantly.

And her statement shocked not only Sanja but also Damian to the core.

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