4 I'll take care of you

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The sun was barely casting its first rays through the small windows when Sanja woke up. She stretched as quietly as she could before her eyes fell on the man. For a few minutes she watched as his chest slowly rose and fell. At the moment, it didn't look like he was in pain. That was good, although that would probably change as soon as he moved.

Sanja got up from her makeshift bed and went to Damian. She carefully placed her hand on his forehead. He didn't have a fever. Fortunately, because an infection would quickly worsen his condition and his healing.

Then she left her cottage as quietly as she could. It was time to get to work. She had to take care of the animals and fetch fresh water. She let her eyes wander between the cottages and the small space in between to see if everything was in order. It appeared to be. Besides, it must have rained a little in the last few hours. That was a relief, because now at least she didn't have to worry about the field with the grain and vegetables.

Sanja walked towards the sheds and opened the gates so that the animals could enter their enclosures. Like every morning, the goats let her know loudly that they were hungry. And the chickens also enjoyed the fresh air after a night in the coop.

With her routine movements, she gave everyone their feed and fresh water before she set about cleaning up. As always, this daily task didn't take too long. While one of the goats was still busy with its breakfast, Sanja milked it quickly. She was very hungry and knew that Damian would certainly feel the same as soon as he was awake. After all, he was a big man and needed a lot of energy.

"Good girl. That's it for today." said Sanja before petting the goat in gratitude.

"Good morning." she suddenly heard behind her.

"Damian! Are you up? You should stay in bed." she said as soon as she spotted him behind her.

"I'm doing quite well. And my legs seem to be unharmed. I just wanted to see where you were." he replied.

"You're black and blue. Aren't you in pain?" she wanted to know.

"Not as much as yesterday or I should say last night. And I only have you to thank for that," he said.

"You're the one who's strong. I'm not a miracle healer. Hungry?" she replied.

"Very hungry. Can I help you somehow?" Damian asked.

"Yes, you can sit down. I'll at least have to make you a sling for your arm if you insist on walking around here," said Sanja sternly.

They walked back to the cottage together. Sanja first handed Damian a large cup of water. He emptied it in a few gulps and only then realized how good it felt, the fresh, cold water. 

"I only have eggs and some bread left. Later I'll have to grind grain to be able to bake more. I hope my family returns soon. The stock is running low. And then it's probably a good idea to go hunting. You need a lot of food to heal." she explained to him.

"I can help you with that. I'm an excellent hunter. No one can match me with a bow and arrow." Damian said.

"I appreciate that, but I don't think you've ever tried it with one arm. You'll have to be patient. I'll take care of you." replied Sanja.

"But there must be something I can help you with..." he sighed, sounding very frustrated.

"I don't think so. Except maybe making butter. Maybe you can do that with one hand." she replied as she cracked a few eggs into a bowl.

"Tell me, are you always this stubborn?" Damian asked.

"I have to be. But I prefer the expression determined." she laughed.

And that laugh alone was enough to make Damian feel warm and comfortable.

They ate breakfast together. Afterwards, Damian watched as Sanja prepared to go hunting in the forest. He was aware that she had probably done this many times before. But it seemed wrong not to be able to help her. Sanja attached a large knife to her belt before grabbing her crossbow and a quiver full of arrows.

"I'll be back soon. Try to sleep." she then said.

"Or I could accompany you. Four eyes see more than two." he suggested.

Sanja sighed as she looked up at him. Somehow she had the feeling that he would follow her anyway. And the last thing she wanted was for him to get lost or hurt himself even more.

"All right, then. Take the burlap sack. You can put it in the bucket. If we're lucky, we'll find some honey." she finally gave in.


"It's such a beautiful island. You seem to have everything. Fields to plant. Trees that bear fruit. A river and waterfall for fresh water. A forest for hunting, the sea for fishing. Only the volcano would worry me." Damian said as they made their way back to the cottages with their prey.

On the way, they didn't have to be as quiet as they had been during the hunt. And so she showed him much of her home. His eyes lit up with excitement.

"That's true. But nothing has happened as long as I've been alive. Just a little earthquake here and there. It's only scary when you're in the mine," replied Sanja when she discovered an abandoned beehive in a tree.

It was so full that the bees apparently had to look for an additional place. Sanja pulled out her knife and cut out a small piece. Just enough for the two of them. She left the rest for the bees. She would also be able to use the beeswax.

"There's a mine?" Damian asked as he watched her.

"Yes... Gold... We mine it, wash it and then when we need supplies we sell it. It's not much, but enough to buy everything we need. A lot of things are also washed ashore by the tide. Like ropes, fabrics, books, which I then dry to be able to read them... Barrels, buckets and other metal objects. And above all wood.

We try to utilize everything we are given. But of course dead bodies or limbs also wash up on the shore. Out of respect for the dead, we try to bury them. We don't want the predators to get a taste of them.

You're the first one who ever made it to this island alive. And even if we know the way... not everyone survives. The weather is a force that cannot be defeated. That's why I'm worried that they haven't returned yet," she explained to him.

"Maybe it was meant to be... that you would find me. Have you ever thought about that? And I'm sure your family would never be put off coming home to you." he replied.

"I hope so... and... I've always been someone who believes that nothing happens without a reason. But enough... You need to rest now, Damian. And I'll take care of the prey." she said.

"Why do you always change the subject?" he wanted to know.

"Because I don't know how to deal with you. You're still a stranger to me. And I... I don't have much experience with strangers. That's why I usually stay here." replied Sanja.

"I understand, but it looks like I'm not going anywhere for a while. And as soon as you let me, I'll do my bit. I just hope that your family won't throw me to the sharks," said Damian.

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