11 Riddles

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After Sanja had accompanied her grandfather to his cottage and lit a fire in his fireplace, she now stood at the window. She stared out to see if the others were getting along.

Erwindro sat down in his old rocking chair. He groaned because his old bones were aching. The travel had been exhausting. He also sensed a change coming closer.

"You don't have to worry. Garro is a hothead, but he's not stupid enough to provoke your fury. Come. Sit with me. Let's talk." the old man finally said.

Sanja sighed heavily as she turned her gaze away and sat down on the hard floor in front of her grandfather.

For many minutes they talked about what had happened on the trip and here on the island. Both were busy processing all the information they had exchanged. So much had happened in such a relatively, for their lives, short time. Part of Sanja still couldn't believe that they had lost five people this time. There had never been so many at once. It stung a lot. But she would still have time to come to terms with the loss. She couldn't bring back the dead. She knew that, but the loss of Kylenne and Lumi was different.

"Did you at least try to convince them to come home?" she wanted to know.

"What sense would that have made? They found something they were missing. The decision was made at that very moment," he replied.

"You always have a choice. Father also changed his life and came here with Mother. Why couldn't their mates do that?" asked Sanja, agitated.

"Because it's not their fate. But it was your father's. He made his choice. He had no connections that made it difficult for him to cut them. Unlike the person you're actually worried about," Erwindro said.

"We've lost five people, two of them elders... three to the sea, two to love and you're trying to change the subject? This is not about me. I'm worried about how things can go on... how we can keep up life here." she replied.

"The only thing that is certain in life is that everything always changes. Change is not a bad thing. Even if Garro wouldn't agree with me... I'm sure you've noticed that it's already starting. Kekepania is changing. And there's a reason for it. The connections are weakening." he said.

"You know I hate it when you speak in riddles..." she grumbled.

"Ah... my child... I have seen so much in my life... And I will see how this ends. My senses tell me that a big change is around the corner." the grandfather replied.

"Are you talking about Damian? Is it wrong of me to see him as my mate? I feel and see the signs. And they are stronger than those of anyone else here before," said Sanja.

"No, no... It's not wrong. Quite the opposite. He will be your salvation. Your reason to carry on and start anew." he replied.

"And again... What do you mean? None of us are going anywhere." she said, jumping to her feet.

"Did you talk to the man about it? Did you give him the choice whether he wants to stay here? What about his real life? His family, his friends... Not that it will matter for long..." the old man muttered.

"I... no, but.... Do you think he wants to leave me?" she asked quietly.

"No, I don't think so. Far from it. You didn't listen, Sanja. He will be the salvation. Can you feel the earthquake? It will all end. I can feel it. I know the fate. But my fate is not yours." he replied calmly, his eyes tired.

"Riddles... Always these riddles. Please be clear, Grandfather. Just this once!" said Sanja as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"My end is near... and when I die, the island dies too. But you... have another life ahead of you," Erwindro replied.

"And now go and help the others. I need to rest... Perhaps you and Damian could go hunting. It's been a long while since I've eaten good game. The repairs can wait." he continued before Sanja could say a word.

Not that she had a suitable word. All her thoughts were spinning. She was trying to solve her grandfather's riddles. Even though part of her was fully aware of what he had just said. 

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